Proud of myself


02 Protege ES Sand Mica
So this is the first time in about 2 years that I am not dating a manic depressive model or bipolar stripper- finally staying away from the crazy ones(so I think so far)
congrats! its a very satisfying feeling when you realize your life is better off without psychos... and recognizing that fact that you've had a problem... knowing is half the battle..
yeah- we'll see how long it lasts though, my taste has been pretty flawed. For now though a hot social worker who actually challenges me (a little scary)
shinzen said:
So this is the first time in about 2 years that I am not dating a manic depressive model or bipolar stripper

Well if they have nothing to do then, you can give them my number. :p
Dude, I agree. Give them my number. The best sex is with the crazy, wierd, low-self estemmed women.
All of the psychos that I have dated in my life were fantastic looking and great in bed.