Please take this survey!

Survey Questionnaire

My name is Ted Robertson and I am currently working towards my Master of Aeronautical Science degree with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. One of the requirements I need to meet prior to graduation is the completion of a formal Graduate Capstone Project (GCP). I have created a survey that will provide me with the needed data to complete this research. By completing this survey, you will provide me with invaluable and anonymous information that could be used to increase the safety of commercial airline travel. Please answer all questions honestly.

Your time and assistance is appreciated. To receive a copy of the finalized report, please provide your name and e-mail address below (your personal information will not be used nor reflected in this report):

Name (optional):
E-Mail Address (optional):

Click here to take the survey!

Where is the question:
During the safety briefing, you locate the emergency exit and figure which women and children you will push out of the way in case there is an emergency.

Strongly agree.

While in flight you play aviation games on your Iphone, laptop, and scream Pull Up, Pull Up!

Strongly gree.