Pictures of my baby

Congrats on the sweet ride, looks like mine :).

I removed my moldings, I was torn on it I wanted to or not. The pics I saw didn't look that much better, but in person I like it when I saw it. It makes it look more like a newer designed car, like an Acura, or Lexus.

Here's how mine looks:

Oh, I just got my first door ding! But I know exactly how it happened, its from an SUV, so its WAY above my door moldings, around the door handle. Worst part of all, its only because this b*tch manager at a crappy hotel I was in made me move my car over 1 foot because I parked on the line into an empty area (no reason for me to need to move it).

Have fun with your car, I still look forward driving mine all the time.
I think debadging is an acquired taste. From the pictures I've seen of people's ms3s, some look "improved" compared to stock. It makes the car look like a mini-lexus suv (for me), though. And I don't like lexus or suvs. (dunno)

I like leaving the Mazdaspeed adn having the JDM badge on mine. Lets people know what kicked their ass...
too bad....would be nice to see more speed 3's out here....other than at the dealership....but i guess that's the beauty of these cars...far between

If there is any meets in the area, let me know in advance and I will show up.
AllLostThings said:
I like leaving the Mazdaspeed adn having the JDM badge on mine. Lets people know what kicked their ass...

Ooops, mistake on prev post. I meant side-molding removal. [fixed]