Physics professor exposing 9-11 on msnbc

GrandBelialKey said:
well I love the *******.... calamari.


The main purpose of war is the testing and development of new weapons - Omar Bradley

you are trying to educate yourself, which is good and respectable. but you are asking too much of us "forum" folk, the things you're talking - about most people havent heard before, and Im sure you already know why (media etc...) I dont really disagree with much in your post, just the manner in which you post it. you act like youre on some elevated perch of knowledge er something... anyone can read websites and believe what they wanna believe. (cheers)


There is nothing to ******* believe the owner of the WTC complex admitted they blew up WTC7 on video on national TV! Whether you like the way I post or not is irrelevant. Why is it to hard for you to comprehend our govt would do something like this, they have all the reason in the world to.
SpicyMchaggis said:
justification for seizing foreign funds and assets aka war in the middle east

didnt the war seize more of our funds than funds we seized with the war?
Qui Gon Zel said:
Yeah. We need the oil so our gas prices can be so high.

I just wanted to say that even if it was a set up and whatnot, as a former Marine Corporal who served from February 2003 to October 2003 in Iraq for the majority of the fighting and beyond... thanks for being so patriotic and this thread makes me larf.

Keep it up, guys.
It is possible to support the troops and hate the govt. It's sort of like walking and chewing gum at the same time.
I'm an army kid, my best friend (who's like a brother to me) is in the 82nd, and a few other people in my family have served. I definately support our troops. They've got a job to do, some don't want to be there and some do, either way they don't have a choice.
KzA said:
didnt the war seize more of our funds than funds we seized with the war?

Haha, yeah right. We are paying twice for this war. With gas and with taxes. America isn't a country my friend, it's a buisness.
Rism said:
Why is it to hard for you to comprehend our govt would do something like this, they have all the reason in the world to.
see... this is what I'm talking about. you make it sound like you're in the know, and everybody else isnt.
I've read that same s*** as you.... and it's all available for anyone who wants to read up on it.
when you wrote the above quote = what were you thinking ? that It's "too hard" for me to comprehend ? that I don't accept that our elected officials would do something like this ? where did you get that idea ? you're obviously a new kid on the block when it comes to figuring s*** out if you can't even tell which side of the fence I'm on. you're the same person who said that I "have no concept of geo-politics" and that I have no clue to the reasoning behind the second amendment.... and if you can be so wrong about something as trivial as that - why the **** would I want to take your word for something as important as 9-11 2001 ?

if you're trying to bring things to peoples attention that you think they should know - that's fine.
when you seek to elevate yourself by standing on the backs of the uninformed, then you are no better than anyone else who does the same thing... (glare)
SpicyMchaggis said:
Haha, yeah right. We are paying twice for this war. With gas and with taxes. America isn't a country my friend, it's a buisness.
I couldnt agree more.

and if america is really a business, I'd rather have a businessman run the country... even ross perot or steve forbes would be better at conducting the affairs of a business as big as this one. they both said that they'd run the country like a business, and people didnt like hearing that. maybe they will like it more the next time someone says something like that.
Qui Gon Zel said:
I just wanted to say that even if it was a set up and whatnot, as a former Marine Corporal who served from February 2003 to October 2003 in Iraq for the majority of the fighting and beyond... thanks for being so patriotic and this thread makes me larf.
no offense to anyone who serves in this countrys military, "Dissent is democracy"
Qui Gon Zel said:
Yeah. We need the oil so our gas prices can be so high.

I just wanted to say that even if it was a set up and whatnot, as a former Marine Corporal who served from February 2003 to October 2003 in Iraq for the majority of the fighting and beyond... thanks for being so patriotic and this thread makes me larf.

Keep it up, guys.

It takes a strong and courageous man to survive the Marines. Loads of respect to you.

I would have liked to have tried but one thing stopped me. My government and I have different ideas about who I should be killing. I cant be absolutely certain that their motives are honest. In short, do I trust our government to have our best interest at heart, and the answer to that is HELL NO!

Let me be extra clear, I would fight to the death for my country, but Exxon Mobil can kiss my ass.

In this case, Im not sure what being patriotic is.

KzA said:
didnt the war seize more of our funds than funds we seized with the war?

you got to spen money to make money. (deadhorse the middle east has more money than most people will EVER know. (boom07)
1st Gen said:
In this case, Im not sure what being patriotic is.
wow, again, I couldnt agree more, what a thoughtful post, 1stgen....
I would have joined up on sept 12th, I considered it seriously. ...but then I started to think about it: and I'm glad I did think about it instead of allowing the overall black cloud cast by the event, to mar my judgment. I already pay taxes, that's as much of me as these pricks are gonna get....
Just wondering, not completely related to this but it is in some fashion.

Who also believes that Pearl Harbor happen cause the government or group wanted it to?
REMillers said:
Just wondering, not completely related to this but it is in some fashion.

Who also believes that Pearl Harbor happen cause the government or group wanted it to?


was that another can of worms being opened?