ok we are in some serious s*** here with Infiniti

pict arent working right so lets try it here

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Why are you in serious s*** with Infiniti? Do you believe anyone will be cross-shopping it with the P5? The FX45 is expected to sell for over $40,000. It costs twice as much, not to mention weighing twice as much. There is no factory turbo option by the way.
I saw one of those yesterday. They're HUGE compared to the P5. It looks like an SUV. It probably drives like one too. It's like how people thought the Matrix would compete with the P5 but it was much more of an SUV/car cross. This is even more SUV.
yup...when i saw that thing my i really liked it...when i found out how much power it has i liked it even more...

but i think that thing is supposed to be more of a sportcross (like the volvo, subaru, and audi)
Just like the damn nissan Murano. Ugly as hell and way over priced. May have some cool parts but will still be a glorified and rebadged nissan. Oh yeah and no comparison for the P5. Thats like saying oh crap Porsche is coming out with the Cayanne boy are we in trouble. Two completely different cars and concepts. Not even on the same page hell not even in the same book I will say it one last time a P5 is a WAGON not a SUV or crossover vehicle or anything. it is just a good looking and good handling Wagon in a great price range. I don't even think that it is in the same class as the lexus IS sportcross and the cars are almost identical meaning looks and handling and size not price or quality or power. Honestly can't really come up with any other car like the P5 except maybe and I hate to say this but the Aztec or the Matrix. But those are more like Minivans turned into suv science projects gone bad. Our car is a sports car in a wagon, and in our price range imho there isn't anything else to compare it to.
you guyys take this s*** soo out of context .. I was mearly pointing out the simalarites and how this new car has 2 &1/2 times the hp (FACTORY) as ours and that it is AWD ... so chillout on the freakin out factor will ya .. i mean i am not saying it is just lik ours or a remake from infinity but there are many similarities .. that is all .. you dont have to get all "sir Nuke" on us about it ..
You put it IN context by saying "ok we are in some serious s*** here with Infiniti" instead of just saying to check out the cool Infiniti. Or I wish we had AWD and this kind of power or anything like that. If you're going to start s***, deal with it.
if they were really low like that top picture then they would be okay....but that pic is a bit misleading....i stood by them...got in and out of them at the car show.....its a damn SUV....its not a little sport wagon......
just another SUV... Porsche, Nissan, VW and I'm sure there's more have the same 'style' vehicle...

all in all it's pretty sweet lookin ride...
It's Fugly. Wouldn't even consider it. Like the engine, but I'd have to look at it, and I don't enjoy puking that much.
saw one yesterday actually

I saw one on the way home yesterday.. he wanted to race me and i had no idea what kinda power it had.. i would consider it an SUV not a hatchback.. its just kinda short.. it took off reeaally slooowww (slow for a race).. but once he got going he caught up pretty fast... and then we both slowed down cuz of our radars going off.. he could take me easily on the highway. but off the line its weight holds it back... id guess he had an automatic too so that prob explains it.. it mighta been a FX35... not sure.... not the greatest racing story.. but it related to the car.. i'll shuddup now
Crossover vehicles...its the next big thing. All I can say is that I will be glad when the big, soccerball toting tahoes dwindle....heh...

INFINTY SHIMINFITY! dear God i loathe cross overs and SUv's.....


its just like Porsche comming out with an SUV... i love Porsche, but who needs to get to soccer practice in 3.6 seconds?