Now let's see those white ms3!

just put the rack on this weekend.





i need to take my side moldings off...
experimented with a couple things today. friend's D90 + my SB600 combo was being retarted and working only when it wanted to. so this is the only shot i got. initially it was two shots but i merged them together. 1 flash on the left of camera high up pointing down towards the floor and 1 flash on the right side of the camera pointed towards the ground and lighting up the side of the car.

and i think flickr dumbed down the quality. looks better and clearer on my comp lol. and please tell me if it looks decent or not. my mind is blurred into photography mode and i dont know what looks good and doesnt anymore. XD

That's why I decided not to go time attack. Looks sick though. On a side note: is that pic on the way up to Arrowhead or Bear?

For the wheels.. I liked the style, I think they fit the MS3 pretty well. I will be changing them in the future though, when I get coilovers I want to switch it up to 17x9 +45 or in that size range.