North American meet in MICHIGAN

Sounds like an awesome trip! Nobody in Indy seems to care for rogue get togethers like this. Hope I can make it! Sounds like a good time. I'll talk to some of our locals and see if anyone is interested here. Good luck!, and let me know if you get flyers and need them posted down here.
i dont know if i mentioned this once before but there may be the rally mp3 coming up from ohio... i dont know if he will race or what but he said he would get up here if his racing schedual was clear for june 21-23.....
well that was it for now...

PS hows the flyers coming... what about the mags.. have you guys contaced any...i tried to talk to car and driver and motor trend and they keep sending me to voice mails..
Call Jean Jennings!!! I LOVE Jean Jennings. We gotta have Jean Jennings. Did I mention Jean Jennings? (editor-in-chief of Automobile, for those who didn't know)
ohhhhhhh...don't forget John Phillips from Car and Driver. He's awesome, too. anybody who can write a hilariously funny article about hurses and make me laugh harder at an avalanch or escalade EXT than i did before must be at this gathering!!

[ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: LouisianaMP3 ]
About the flyers...

-Need high quality pics/rez of mp3 and p5 any other cars?

-Mazda only meet?



-If we send it to people to print from home…in what format…as a whole image?

-Color? Should it be designed to work in B&W and color?

-What goes on this flyer...?

-Dates, times, contact info?…

-Where will this flyer be distributed? On what?

-Anyone skilled with Photoshop?

I can’t think of any other questions right now, but has anyone thought about the questions above? Let me know…
Im not employed working with photoshop but I can work with it somewhat well I think.

Let me know if you need anything done with it and im more than willing to help, I have time and Photoshop on my comp at home
here is a pretty good pic of my mx6 with jspec projector headlights. hehe, soon it wont be red and it will have a body kit on it. also lowered. but it should do fine for a flyer.

and i will post on im sure i can razzle up a lot of ppl to come. :eek: wowowowow, miatas, rx7's, mx6's and mp3's, p5's and 626's? this will be huge...and quite fun!!! :)

solar6 ----derrick, make your gf bring the sunflower so i can whoop its ass ;)
ok i have more than likely final prices....
the dragstrip will be 20-25 dollars per car
the auto X will be 15-30 dollars per car

if any of you know anyone with any other mazda's tell them b.c there seems to be no interest at and only 3 rx7's are coming from so we really need to spread the word
ok, she says shes kickin your ass solar!...anyways. this is gonna be kick ass! hows the flyers coming along? i need some batteries for my digital cam. and i'll take a good pic for a flyer or something.
Hey, I'm the dude you met at Discount Tire last weekend. I'm in for sure. I know a guy in Toledo with a madly done up RX-7, I'll ask him as well.
BTW, where is this rally car. If it's close enough to me, I wanna go see it. Thanks!!
Would everyone be against having about 20 or so Neons at the meet too? We could have a chance in proving to the Neon guys what the mp3 can do. so if you guys arent against it i will invite the neons also. And i dont know if i told you guys but there are probes coming to the meet also but there is only like 5 of them coming.
What's the deal with this meet? Yeah, use the calender feature we have with this ultra cool whos still interested?
i just used the calandar and i fed up once... but thats ok...i hope i can get more people interested in going...