newbie here, just bought a 92 protege SE


I have had a 626, B2200, RX7 2ND gen, RX7 1st gen, protege
hey everyone...

I just bought a mazda protege SE two days ago, and I have noticed that my clutch is there anyway to adjust these clutches??

I bought a car that has had an accident, but the price was a super I bought a couple of doors and she is good to go...

of course I may be doing a clutch really soon, but thats okay, still got a good deal...


this is my new car today as i changed the doors...thats what is sitting on the the picture..

I look forward to learning about these they are sweet...
EDIT: thats my RX7 in the background too
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new doors


This is a pic with the new doors on it...the rocker panel is still quite bent in, but I can now close my doors and they don't leak water anymore :D
I plan to fix it up over time and today was just the second day owning it, so im speeding full steam ahead :)
Just gotta buy myself some body tools :)
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this is how it looked when i brought it home...

I only paid $250 CAD for the car...and $100CAD for the set of doors....
Damn, nice deal on the car. Welcmoe aboard matey. You'll find lots of knowledge containted within these electronic walls. And remember, the search feature on the top of the page is the most useful freaking thing that was ever created. Use it well and often.
thanks for the tip on the search button...

I didnt find anything specific...but I visited the how-to section and read a bunch of stuff, for a couple hours...I have already looked under the car and seen it is I am assuming it cannot be adjusted for wear...I specifically asked the seller if the clutch was okay and he said yes...maybe he was such a bad driver he didnt know it slips LOL
All I know is I am in the market for a clutch kit for a 92 protege SE ;)

the interior is nicer than the body (the good side) HA HA HA


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