New Tool album is out


2003 WRX
10,000 days is out on the bit torrent sites. For those of you who have heard it already post what you think everyone else d/l it and do the same thing. I suggest if you like it you buy it on may 2nd.

Tool - 10,000 Days
01 - Vicarious
02 - Jambi
03 - Wings For Marie
04 - 10,000 Days
05 - The Pot
06 - Lipan Conjuring
07 - Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann)
08 - Rosetta Stoned
09 - Intension
10 - Right In Two
11 -Viginti Tres

This is the best quality release. Could be better though track 1 track 2 track 3 track 4 track 5 track 6 track 7 track 8 track 9 track 10 track 11
Damn....thanks for posting - I checked it out and it is TERRIBLE! You just saved me $13 so thanks!
I think the album is amazing. I cant wait till the CD comes out so I can hear a good quality mix.
I think I'll just wait and buy the CD. I can't stand compressed music...I want the full experience when I hear it.
I think compared to the last album this is better but it really is still missing the anger that turned me on to tool in the first place
chuyler1 said:
I think I'll just wait and buy the CD. I can't stand compressed music...I want the full experience when I hear it.

agreed, ... although i'm gonna check out that 10,000 days song cuz a lot of ppl on mirc have been talking about it
InFlames said:
Bitrate is 160kb...

If CBR MP3, 160 is terrible. If VBR AAC, then it's pretty damn good.

I downloaded the first four tracks (via the links from the first post) and it is 156-179kbps VBR MP3. Even listening via my really cheap portable headphones (my grados don't leave the apartment) I hear some encoding issues.

Edit: forgot to actually comment on the album. I don't own any Tool albums (and I do buy all the music I listen to) but I really like what I've heard so far (first four tracks). I'll definitely buy this album when it comes out.
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From their official website,, the Sept. 05 Newsletter:

"Now where was I?.. Oh yeah, TOOL!.. I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design. When they weren't working on this grand deception.."

KanseiZM said:
If CBR MP3, 160 is terrible. If VBR AAC, then it's pretty damn good.

I downloaded the first four tracks (via the links from the first post) and it is 156-179kbps VBR MP3. Even listening via my really cheap portable headphones (my grados don't leave the apartment) I hear some encoding issues.

Edit: forgot to actually comment on the album. I don't own any Tool albums (and I do buy all the music I listen to) but I really like what I've heard so far (first four tracks). I'll definitely buy this album when it comes out.

you dont own ANY tool albums?!?! at the very least, you MUST buy 'undertow' and 'AEnima.'
JOS3 said:
you dont own ANY tool albums?!?! at the very least, you MUST buy 'undertow' and 'AEnima.'

I know I know, I'm such a tool n00b. It's some of the most tolerable mainstreamish rock I've listened to in a long time.
I love tool, but I will wait and buy the CD when it comes out. Tool is one of the few groups where I will buy their CD. And if anyone that hasn't heard tool yet needs a fix, just listen to their "Opiate" cd. It is only six songs but is awesome.
KanseiZM said:
From their official website,, the Sept. 05 Newsletter:

"Now where was I?.. Oh yeah, TOOL!.. I'm not going to reveal my source, Mister Patience, but do you want to know the kind of things that have been going on while this record was being recorded? Okay, first there was the decoy record just to confound all those would-be bootleggers out there. This took, oh, about a year, just because the band members wanted it to sound pretty close to the real thing (so as to be believable), along with equally believable art design. When they weren't working on this grand deception.."


Yea there have been rumors of that going around. Like the possibility of 10,000 days being a double CD. If this is a decoy CD its pretty damn good and I cant imagine what the real one will be like. I guess we will have to wait till may 2nd for any surprises tool has.

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