New 09 M6 V6 strange sound? Or Common?

Hey everyone new here

my girl just got a new 09 m6 v6. Very nice car. I noticed while running the car has a high pich squeel type of sound comming from the rear of the car. You can hear it standing at the back side of the car, or through the rear passanger side tire. It almost sounds how my Ford Ranger did when it had a fuel system leak, but this sound is constant, all the time the car is running. Is this normal for the car? Or do you think something is going on?

thanks for any advice
I just had my 09 Mazda6 s GT at the dealer for the foam pushing out from the dash/front windshield and a high pitch noise (fuel pump) They replaced both under warranty, the car has just under 2000 miles on it.

I would have the dealer look at it, I found it very annoying (mine was getting very loud, kinda like your ears ringing after a loud concert).

Mine too. but sound will be gone after the engine getting hot. Going to leave to dealer some time next week for few days for them to look at.
If it is new, I believe that your car is still under warranty and what you should do is sent it back to the retailer and tell them about your situation, it might be big or not much of a matter actually, but I believe since it is still under warranty, it would be wise and the best decision to make too, so that you don’t have to spend a dime on that beautiful machine of yours.