Need Help think I have been Jerked

05 Mazda 6s sport & Mazda 3I Touring
JERKED!!!!! is the word. I need to get a hold of "prepostud." I paid this guy for a bra on the 23rd of December 2004. I have still not recieved the Bra. He has my Cell # and I have sent him continuos emails to see where it was at. He told me that he sent it out the the 27th of december. I asked for a tracking # and the last I heard he told me "He thought he gave it to me and he needed to find it." This was on the 4th of this month. I live in AZ he lives in New York. This is the Second time and the last time that I will ever do a deal with with a fellow member on this site. this is a reason why myself and probably alot of others are dissapointed in buying from a private party. I did this guy a service by getting his money as quick as possible before X mas I might add. Apparently, the bra was sitting in his garage and he was tired of looking at it. I sent him his money 3 day select and it was recieved on the 23rd of December. We agreed on the deal on the 20th of december. I still have no Bra and I am done dealing. I am no longer awaiting my Bra for my P5 or a return of the money that was sent. Don't get me wrong though I love the site and the fact that alot of people on here are really cool and are very informative. Regardless of the recent business transaction that has not been complete I still love this web site.

P.S. If anyone knows this guy let him know that I am still waiting................
If you sent him your money by mail, don't you have his home address?
his user name is "preopstud"..and lives in Livonia, NY[font=Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif][size=-2][/size][/font]
I couldn't find that user on here... or any recent posts about a bra for sale. How did you guys hook up?
ahh, correct spelling helps. Oh, and his post said he shipped it out on the 31st (which was a Friday, so it probably didn't hit the road until Monday the 3rd). Coast to coast usually takes a bit, so you still may get it. And, I don't know what you paid for it, but it looks like his final asking was $30 shipped to CA... so hopefully you're not out too much money if it doesn't show...

Prodigy said:
his user name is "preopstud"..and lives in Livonia, NY
Thanks guys! Yeah he was selling it on here. Yes, you are correct. Proper spelling does help. (crazy)
well i dont think u should let this be the last that u buy from someone i dont know how many posts and such?
damn, i didn't know you could ressurect threads that are this old

can you bring my doggie back too?
keleko said:
damn, i didn't know you could ressurect threads that are this old

can you bring my doggie back too?

Hahahahaha (headbang)

bad habbit of not checking the date before replying

Just to be onery i might go back and find the oldest thread and post on it :D
wow and i was really feelin sorry for this guy in paying for something in december and still not getting it here 9 months later.
Yeah, Turns out the story of the accident was true. The only thing that sucked was he origionally told me it was a factory mazda bra. It ended up being a Le bra. (uhm) Oh well I got it like 6 months later.

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