My Speed6 to date

Seriously, who did you piss off? You've got quite the crew going after your car.

Invest about $500 into a camera system with DVR and make sure that you're covered. This is getting out of hand.

Time for that passed a while ago, time to invest some $$ into a 12 gauge shotgun(gun)...nah dont do that lol. Seriously though get some cameras...
do you live in the ghetto or something? sleep with someones wife/gf?

how old are you?
This started happening before I knew anyone in the area, I think it is my car they don't like. Unless they saw me driving it and that pissed them off, I don't know...because I did get it when I was 15. ( I am 19 now, bova)
It isn't even where I live, I am over at my friends house a lot because I work with him. It is a nice neighbor hood actually. The problem is that it is near 2 big high school, and I think a lot of them drive though there.

I talked to the investigator on my case and he said all I need is a license plate, but I plan on catching them in the act. I will also get some cameras as a backup though. I'll let you all know what happens.
what you need to do is invest in a gun and then just sit and wait, I caught someone busting in to my first speed6 and lets just say baseball bat to the face served as the Police for me, That guy is lucky I wasent in TX.
As much as I would enjoy retaliating...I really just want all of their money so I can fix my car back to how it was. If they have that much money that is...

And ya, I wasn't even looking at the speed6 when I was looking at buying a car, it was about $10k out of my price range. But I got a killer deal on it :)
DYAMN!!! taht sux man!!! im lucky, no deliberate defacement of my car from jealous mofo's yet.

however, EVERYTIME i go to the car wash the employees (car dryers, etc) compliment my car so much so that im convinced if i wasnt there, they would TOTALLY joy ride with it!! and yet my car seems to be a magnet for ACCIDENTAL damages, ppl backing into my parked car, road debri hitting me, massive potholes, rediculous rock chips, insane swirlies and whatnot. She runs GREAT tho! hah.

btw, you should keep the OP updated with new mods/pics! unless you have a CD site like mine in mah sig. :D
what you need to do is invest in a gun and then just sit and wait, I caught someone busting in to my first speed6 and lets just say baseball bat to the face served as the Police for me, That guy is lucky I wasent in TX.

awesome. simply awesome.
It isn't even where I live, I am over at my friends house a lot because I work with him. It is a nice neighbor hood actually. The problem is that it is near 2 big high school, and I think a lot of them drive though there.

Which high schools, so I can stay away, ha ha. I live really close to Churchill, and my Mustang has been broken into twice, but fortunatley no ones ever messed with the Mazda.
DYAMN!!! taht sux man!!! im lucky, no deliberate defacement of my car from jealous mofo's yet.

however, EVERYTIME i go to the car wash the employees (car dryers, etc) compliment my car so much so that im convinced if i wasnt there, they would TOTALLY joy ride with it!! and yet my car seems to be a magnet for ACCIDENTAL damages, ppl backing into my parked car, road debri hitting me, massive potholes, rediculous rock chips, insane swirlies and whatnot. She runs GREAT tho! hah.

btw, you should keep the OP updated with new mods/pics! unless you have a CD site like mine in mah sig. :D

Haha, my car is magnet for that as well..broken front windshield because of a rock, had someone car part fly out hit my car on the highway leaving a wide scrape and oil all over, numerous dents and door scratches, rock chips, and an 18 wheeler tire slamming into my front bumper.
Which led to this picture, plus a big dent in the front bumper. But I fixed it all up myself, it didn't come out perfect..but I'm sure no one noticed it in the pictures haha


I'll keep this post updated with more pictures...hopefully good pictures haha