
just ang

2009 M5 GT
So, hubby and I went to the jewelry store today (our friends own one) and I bought hubby a new wedding band (long, uninteresting story). On the way home, hubby looked at me and said - as only a stupid man would, "Do you know how many subwoofers I could have bought?" Apparently, he wanted to mod the little cubbies behind the seats, in his mx5 with woofers. I looked at him and said something along the lines of "Did you seriously just effing say that?" All he did was laugh but then added something similarly dumb like "Well, I was kidding but I am serious."

I love my husband, very much but wow are you guys dumb sometimes.
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If there is any comfort those nice sub woofers are nothing compared to the rest of the things we won't be able to buy in the future, this is just the beginning of the end. For a taste, just remind him of what I'm driving now (lol2)


** wife approaches slowly and slaps the heck out of me ** (wedge)
Last edited: your husband a member on here?

LOL...anyway,'s the same with me...when I was single...I got to buy WHATEVER I it's buying whatever she wants for dropped close to $700 on a REALLY nice marble top table & 2 chairs...I was thinking to myself...I could have bought rims for the miata & probably tires too!
LOL I think of stuff like that and I'm a chick.. I buy something and think, geez, I could have bought that clutch for my car that I've been putting off buying.. but priorities come first haha. Then I think of all the money I've spent on my car and realize I could have paid it off by now.
then there was this time... i bought my wife a brand new car!

then she wanted something shiny later... so i pointed to the garage.

oh i am a bastard i know.

but i barely mod my cars. just little things. but i will get a miata someday. that will be my toy.
I find it odd how you are calling you husband a "stupid man" yet say you love him very much and are honestly perturbed by something so meaningless that you needed to make a thread out of it. Of course "all he did was laugh" because he was probably trying to make you laugh saying a meaningless comment. I hope he gets the subs later down the road.

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