
Yep the mod bug bites hard. Can't say I dont think about stuff I wan't everytime I drop 100+ bucks at the grocery store.

In the words of checkers . . . "ya gotta eat"
How many could he have bought?

LOL! I'm sure a few, I know the two that he wants to add to his car. your husband a member on here?

LOL...anyway,'s the same with me...when I was single...I got to buy WHATEVER I it's buying whatever she wants for dropped close to $700 on a REALLY nice marble top table & 2 chairs...I was thinking to myself...I could have bought rims for the miata & probably tires too!

He is although, I think he frequents another *gasp* forum. Especially one with lots of obsessive information about keeping his precious miata shiny!

i just bought a really nice bed... it could have been a turbo set up!

Beds can be reallllly expensive, forget a turbo, some of them are the price of a car!

then there was this time... i bought my wife a brand new car!

then she wanted something shiny later... so i pointed to the garage.

oh i am a bastard i know.

but i barely mod my cars. just little things. but i will get a miata someday. that will be my toy.

And there was a time that hubby bought me a new car! Then I wanted something shiny too, he pointed to the garage. I pointed at the bedroom. Wanna see my new shiny? (yippy)

I find it odd how you are calling you husband a "stupid man" yet say you love him very much and are honestly perturbed by something so meaningless that you needed to make a thread out of it. Of course "all he did was laugh" because he was probably trying to make you laugh saying a meaningless comment. I hope he gets the subs later down the road.

Alfredo, I do love him very much. He is a great guy and we laugh together alllll of the time. I now think the FUNNIEST part of this story is that some stupid guy, actually thought I was "honestly perturbed" by what he said, when in fact, I "honestly laughed my ass off" about what he said. Lastly, he can buy his little sub woofers any time his little heart pleases and I hope that when he does he smiles and thinks about how perturbed I am.
Alfredo, I do love him very much. He is a great guy and we laugh together alllll of the time. I now think the FUNNIEST part of this story is that some stupid guy, actually thought I was "honestly perturbed" by what he said, when in fact, I "honestly laughed my ass off" about what he said. Lastly, he can buy his little sub woofers any time his little heart pleases and I hope that when he does he smiles and thinks about how perturbed I am.

You sure as hell didn't elaborate that you "honestly laughed your ass off" in the original post. You generalized men as dumb (as well as me in your response which is uncalled for), including your own husband so therefore you got my opinion on the matter, I wasn't attacking you. Glad to hear then that you laughed about it and clarified your original statement.
Although not exactly a Mazda5 topic per-se, thanks for keeping it civil (i.e. clarifying). It is in the lounge + welcome area so (scratch)

Regardless, if somebody feels that something is not right, just let the mods know, not a problem
So, hubby and I went to the jewelry store today (our friends own one) and I bought hubby a new wedding band (long, uninteresting story). On the way home, hubby looked at me and said - as only a stupid man would, "Do you know how many subwoofers I could have bought?" Apparently, he wanted to mod the little cubbies behind the seats, in his mx5 with woofers. I looked at him and said something along the lines of "Did you seriously just effing say that?" All he did was laugh but then added something similarly dumb like "Well, I was kidding but I am serious."

I love my husband, very much but wow are you guys dumb sometimes.

When I bought a new desktop computer my wife of 24 years said " That would have paid for new countertops!" (I'm an IT consultant.) Following the Red Green school of thought - the man is always wrong, apologize immediately - I said "I'm sorry; how loutish of me. It will never happen again." 3 months later I got her birthday present - a new laptop (which would haved covered the counters and new kitchen flooring). Strangely enough I didn't hear a single negative comment.
Just had the homestead roof replaced (8K) and I was thinking about what I would have bought instead: 18" rims & tires, CAI, leather seat covers, Ipod hookup, lowering springs and anti roll bars, drilled and slotted rotors, bitchin' exhaust, and killer subs :).
I sometimes feel that I am one Canadian Tire freak-out away from having every tacky plastic add-on purchased and installed. Curb feelers and anti-static strips anyone? (especially the strip that includes the red reflector).
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Since KB posted in here, Thought I would pop in and add that hubbster (and I truly helped) installed his new subwoofer! He loves it and I don't think it will be long before he "needs" a second one!
All I have to say is why get something that just sits on your finger then something that actually does something. Women have jewelry and clothing. Men have their toys. Give us a break! =)
wooot to subwoofers!

mine are circa 1999! and still working fine!

so, i get a lot out of my money. thus why i dont buy flowers... they die. well, technically they are pretty much already dead, since they are cut. or at least slowly dying.

"so here ya go honey. i would like to show you my love an appreciation by giving you the reproductive part of a plant, which was amputated from a living organism, and will slowly whither and decompose all over the counter."
"so here ya go honey. i would like to show you my love an appreciation by giving you the reproductive part of a plant, which was amputated from a living organism, and will slowly whither and decompose all over the counter."

Ohhh boy, (no)

Advice: if you appreciate your life do not ever use this scientific explanation with her, especially if you are the one who screwed up :D
When I bought a new desktop computer my wife of 24 years said " That would have paid for new countertops!" (I'm an IT consultant.) Following the Red Green school of thought - the man is always wrong, apologize immediately - I said "I'm sorry; how loutish of me. It will never happen again." 3 months later I got her birthday present - a new laptop (which would haved covered the counters and new kitchen flooring). Strangely enough I didn't hear a single negative comment.

Man does that hit home!