Mazdateam All-Chicago Bike Cruise.

Requisite bad bike pics until I can get some Sunday downtown.







2008 Mirraco Icon Option
Fly Pantera V2 bars
Anchor 33T Chainwheel
Odyssey 13T Freewheel
Fly Brakes
Primo Super Tenderizer Pedals
We The People kevlar Warp seat
KMC Half-link Pintle chain

Yep. I'm a *****.
No straight cable for me. Also, I won't worry about the headset, because when I get a new frame, the one I want has an integrated, so it would be a fair waste of money.
can I have some money? LOL

so I am hitting up the bike shop on da way out anyone need anything???? tubes, cables, gloves??
My phone works, and I just called you on it. 6 p.m., Union Station entrance on Adams. For those of you dufus types, It's the south side of Adams between Wacker and Canal. A block from the Sears Tower.
It was yesterday.


-Bunnyhop over a bum on the Wabash bridge
-Dodge truck hauling ass toward us, front tire blown out, rim sparking like crazy -- and then turning onto LSD.
-Crazy prayer circle in the NBC plaza
-Shifty-eyes news guy at ABC on State Street
-General asshattery