Mazdaspeed6 odometer

Can someone tell me if the mileage on the MS6 is stored in the ECU or if its just mechanical like most cars? I broke my odometer when painting the inside of my gauge cluster and want to replace it, will the mileage automatically update when I put the new odometer cluster in?
On the MZ3 its in the cluster. I would think it would be the same on the MZ6...
if that is indeed the case he just turned his car into a "True Mileage Unknown" car which will greatly reduce the value.

I would have the dealer check the computer in the car. The miles will be there. There is no place in the "Cluster" for this info to be mechanical odometer.
i had an accord and putting a sub my odo we ou and it took months for me to fix! loving the free miles LOL then changed the cluster and the millge appered just were i had left it! that was weird!
i've replaced an instrament cluster on a regular v6 mazda6. the mileage starts from 1.
i called tech line for mazda, and this is the only way. i can't transfer any old mileage from the old cluster. it's not stored in the pcm.
there's this neet little sticker you put in the door jam stating the mileage change and modification date.

you' think there would be better technology for this sort of thing nowadays!