Mazda Watch


Sold:MP5, Saab 9-5
I may be posting in the wrong forum, I don't know, but I figured I would ask my fellow P5ers. DO any of you guys know where you can get a nice Mazda watch? I saw some on eBay and they look kind of retarded. So if anyone has any idea of where I can get one, I'd really like to know
lol, wtf. you search for mazda watch and the 4th item down is speedglow gauges. lol, how the hell does that happen.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="100"></td><td class="j">Mazda Protege 99-00 Speed Glo Gauges
[size=-1]$89.99 - Commando Car Alarms <nobr>Add to list</nobr>[/size][size=-1]<script language="JavaScript">//<![CDATA[ var d = new Date();var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");var msg=monthname[d.getMonth()]+" "+d.getDate()+", "+d.getFullYear();document.write('<INPUT type="hidden" name="DatePretty" value="'+msg+'">'); //]]></script><input name="DatePretty" value="Feb 28, 2005" type="hidden"><input name="action" value="AddResearchItem" type="hidden"><input name="SearchSite" value="Froogle" type="hidden"><input name="SearchQuery" value="mazda+watches" type="hidden"><input name="OfferID" value="11971774055995311750" type="hidden"><input name="ProdID" value="" type="hidden"><input name="Name" value="<b>Mazda</b> Protege 99-00 Speed Glo Gauges" type="hidden"><input name="Url" value="/froogle_url?q=" type="hidden"><input name="Price" value="$89.99" type="hidden"><input name="Snippet" value="The same electroluminescent technology that was made famous by leading <b>watch</b> manufacturers now magically transforms your dashboard into the look and style" type="hidden"><input name="ImageURL" value="/froogle_image?q=" type="hidden"><input name="Merchant" value="Commando Car Alarms" type="hidden"><input name="FroogleURL" value="" type="hidden"><input name="Token" value="7543e548cfd2866c3c32c469e6c1bf73b0adb62" type="hidden">
The same electroluminescent technology that was made famous by leading watch manufacturers now magically transforms your dashboard into the look and style [/size]</td></tr></tbody> </table>
btw from that link (i just got a call) they have one with a silver band at the bottom is the only one they have left, and they discontinued the others with leather bands (something to do with copyright and mazda not wanting them to use it).