low beam and high beam


02 Mazda Protege 5

my 02 protege5 lights were kind of out of focus. The low beam barely lights the road ( as if I'm using christmas lights ). Switching to high beam, lights up the road fair enough but for me its the focus is too low for a high beam. besides i don't want to use high beam, always. I later found that when low beam is on, the farthest bulb to the side lits up. when in high beam it's still that farthest bulb in the side that's lit up. The bulb in the middle (beside the orange park light) does nothing. what is that middle bulb for? is it the low beam?

silly me. i waited for night time and checked my lights. i got low beam (out of focus) and i got high beam coming from that bulb in the middle. when i checked it earlier around 7pm where sun is still up. i really can't see that middle bulb turning on. is there some kind of sensor on it that high beam will not lit up when its day time ?

"is there some kind of sensor on it that high beam will not lit up when its day time ?"

None I know of. Most states require use of lights during the day when it's raining.
