Life SUCKS!!!!!!

Blackrose said:
First of all dont give me that "you shouldnt sweat the material stuff" crap. I grew up on the Real south side of Chicago. 83 and Cottage area. You may not be from around here and know what that means but it means alot. My family was dirt ******* poor. Like it was hard to get dinner every night, had to go to school with the same ol thrift store crap clothes all the time. Worried if my family was going to be alright every day. Growing up life was beyond hard. You want me to b**** about life. My mother contracted a rare virus that slowly ate away at her bones..... we (my family) watcched her slowly lose both of her legs one chop at a time by the doctors..... they told us that she would not live long....... All the medication and doctors bills made it very hard to keep money. Dad could only work so much cause he had to care for Mom. It was hard.

The point is I work very ******* hard for what I got. It pisses me off when I lose it. You think I dont have an apresiation for life then get bent. You think im one of those rich punks that doesnt know what hard is then get a ******* clue. You gonna tell me you dont care about money, yeah right. If that was the case then no one reading this would be reading this cause they would not have the nice (incert car here) they have, and would even car about a car forum Every here has a hobbie or two. All I wanted to do was vent and im getting lectured by people. I wrote this here cause I like the people here and consider alot of you friends in a way. Im not here asking for donations. Im just using it as a punching bag............

Good Day

First and for most, sorry about your mother!!!!
I've lost 2 brothers and my baby girl...
I too grew up on BILLS Dollar store close, I know what you are talking about.
My point wasn't to call you materiallistic at all. But it was to say don't sweat the small stuff. Like you said, you've seen bad! Lossing a few grand pales in comparison to lossing a loved one.

As for do I care about money, yes to a point. But not as much as most. I just paid 24k for a 4x4 and crunched the rocker panels on it 2 wks after I bought it wheeling in a creek bead. Did it up set me, NOPE. I went the next day and placed an order for some rocksliders to cover up the dents and protect it. I also just paid 600 for a set of cams that were messed up (still are) and other things. But they don't get me bent. Would I rather it have turned out better? Ofcourse.

But at the end of the day, I get to go home to my cool son in my new Jeep to my nice apt and so on. I know things could get worse!

I read this email once, in a nut shell is said. You make your own happy. You have 2 choices in life. Be mad or be happy!......
Look I know were you are coming from witht this. I am a generally happy person. Stress causes people to react in negative ways. The catalist was the computer breaking twice in a matter of a month. My computer is not just a material thing. My GF and I use it for schooling and also I do some business on it. My GF is in her one year internship prior to getting her masters. She is not working right now so money is tight. If money wasnt tight right now I would care and would have probably just said hey its a reason to upgrade but I am living on credit right now.... litterally. Every little dumb thing counts alot. The bulb that burned out (and now that ive taken the thing apart it was cause by a malfunctioning fan) was the nail in the coffin. It set me off. Dont get me wrong Im not mad at anyone that posted in this thread. In fact thank you for taking the time to read and respond.. I have a very long fuse but when it runs out I explode like C4. So I needed that.

Oh BTW I reread my second post. I was unclear about one thing. My mother lost both her legs. Almost died several times. Doctors at one point gave her 4 months to live. That was about 5 years ago. Now she is strong and healthy and living a pretty good life. She deals with her handicap very well. The only reason I am posting this though is when I reread my post I thought it kinda sounded like she had passed and that is not the case. So I figured I would clairfy

Michael Toso

Hughes412 said:
First and for most, sorry about your mother!!!!
I've lost 2 brothers and my baby girl...
I too grew up on BILLS Dollar store close, I know what you are talking about.
My point wasn't to call you materiallistic at all. But it was to say don't sweat the small stuff. Like you said, you've seen bad! Lossing a few grand pales in comparison to lossing a loved one.

As for do I care about money, yes to a point. But not as much as most. I just paid 24k for a 4x4 and crunched the rocker panels on it 2 wks after I bought it wheeling in a creek bead. Did it up set me, NOPE. I went the next day and placed an order for some rocksliders to cover up the dents and protect it. I also just paid 600 for a set of cams that were messed up (still are) and other things. But they don't get me bent. Would I rather it have turned out better? Ofcourse.

But at the end of the day, I get to go home to my cool son in my new Jeep to my nice apt and so on. I know things could get worse!

I read this email once, in a nut shell is said. You make your own happy. You have 2 choices in life. Be mad or be happy!......
Blackrose said:
Oh BTW I reread my second post. I was unclear about one thing. My mother lost both her legs. Almost died several times. Doctors at one point gave her 4 months to live. That was about 5 years ago. Now she is strong and healthy and living a pretty good life. She deals with her handicap very well. The only reason I am posting this though is when I reread my post I thought it kinda sounded like she had passed and that is not the case. So I figured I would clairfy

Michael Toso
OH that's good. I'm not going to lie, I'm a 36yr old momas boy. I don't know how I'll react when the time comes. The one thing I know is we all have an exit time! I just hope I get my Corvette first lol.
at least your car doesnt look like this


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