Jumping off the Band wagon....Not Happy with the Ford Transmission Fluid....


(Let me begin by saying this is just my experience so flamers or anyone who will take offense to what I write here, don't just read all the way thru) First off like everyone else I have been on an endless mission to improve the shifting quality of this car. To date I'm running the STS/PG short shifter, TWM base bushings, and PG shifter counterweight. I also have the AWR 88 duro RMM, TRZ transmission mount, and PG engine damper which I use in my constant battle for traction at a track known for its lack of it for everyone including the AWD setups LOL. However, these also help improve shifting too. I try to replace my tranny fluids every 25,000 miles and as I was about to tip the 50,000 mile mark I thought it was time I tried something new. I had been running Royal Purple Max Gear which I didn't mind except it took an exceptionally long time to come up to temp....And until it did, it wasn't good. So I began researching. I knew I didn't want to mix also (Redline). I just wanted a pour in product and thats when I learned of the Ford fluid. So after reading so many great reviews, I decided I'd give it a try....

The first thing I noticed was that the shifting became considerably easy......I was hooked. This stuff not only came up to temp quicker than the Max Gear but even while cool it still performed well........that is until I went to the track with it for the first time.

That night I made about 10-12 runs. First of all I have NEVER grinded a gear at the track NEVER....now I've missed gears plenty of times LOL...but NEVER grinded......Now Im not necissarily blaming that on the fluid because this was the first time running with the transmission mount too...However, with each run I noticed the fluid seemed to be thinning out on me more and more....How you ask, anyone who has the tranny mount, engine damper and base bushing combo will tell you there isn't a better combo if you want to have that "connection" or feel of the drive train....and with every run I could FEEL the gears in the transmission more and more (similar to how the fluid feels when cold until the fluid "thickens" up). Ever since that night thats how its felt. Its no longer as silky smooth (though the ease of shifting is still there), and the same difficulties of shifting to certain gates (such as the 2-3 and 4-5 shift) are once again present....overall the fluid feels like it never comes up to temp no matter how hard I drive...Once it got to temp, I NEVER had that issue with the Max Gear.....

So I think I'll be dropping this fluid. If I didn't track the car, and just used it on the road it be perfect for me. I might try the redline or Torco fluids....God how I wish Specialty Formulations was still around....Just wanted to share my experience again not hating on the ford stuff at all, its a very good fluid indeed.....I just don't think its either A) up to track abuse or B) the best match for my particular setup.......OH I can't wait for the new TWM shifter to be released.
Could you explain this part to me?

....and with every run I could FEEL the gears in the transmission more and more (similar to how the fluid feels when cold until the fluid "thickens" up).

A transmission fluid going from cold to hot never "thickens up" it always thins out as it gets hotter.
So please explain your comment, I guess I am misunderstanding somehow.
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hahaha No its cool....sorry for the confusion. No I meant exactly what your talking about here. It felt as if the fluid was thinning out on me with each run....It was "silky smooth" when if "felt" thicker during regular driving :)
That is strange, because I have run my car for many 20-25 minute all out sessions on track using this fluid, and never had a problem.