it just gets WORSE...


'06 Black Mazda 3s Touring
i spent nearly an hour trying to convince someone to call the cops for me ,on another forum that i know has hundreds of ppl online 24/7

k, what the ****...

so i'm just lying there sleeping right?

suddenly i feel somethings not right, sure enough i open my eyes and see two shapes in the doorway to my bedroom

instincts take over and i'm up and yellin' at these two to get the **** out and chasing after them

they run like ******* bats outta hell! i had no idea n-******* worders could run so fast

oh, i'll stop here and tell you to **** off if you don't like me calling them "the n-******* word"

there's ppl who happen to be black, and then there's them

so they run and knock over a table on the way out, but apparently make no other damage

not sure how they managed to open the sliding glass door in the living room, but it's wide open of course, as is the door to my closet outside

i look around after they're gone and don't see anything missing right off the bat, interesting how they'd head right for the bedroom..

guess i'm a lighter sleeper than i thought

i look around a bit to double check and decide it might be a good idea to call the cops

right, except they stole my cell phone, and my work cell phone and the chargers for both

looks like they could have been in there for at least more than a few minutes, maybe taking note of what to come back for, becasue there's no way you can just see the chargers or the phones - you have to be looking for them

so now i can't all the cops and make a report, or call the phone co and report them stolen


(manage to get someone to call and the cops show up)


gonna dust for prints??! lol

more updates later


took a walk while the guy's doing prints, saw a few other of the outdoor storage clostes popped open

didnt' find my wallet, was hoping they might have just taken the cash and dropped it



they must have been here earlier as well, because i'm now missing a large red toolbox with 90% of my tools in it and the fucker weighs in at least 80lbs


in all, 4 cops showed up

must have been a pretty slow night

case # 061010859 if anyone's interested



Originally Posted by cope

your a b**** for not chasin after em;

strait trrippen'

i woulda killed those mofuckas' dont matter their race tho


right, run after them with a back that still isn't healed from a car wreck 3 months ago, w/o shoes, on wet grass, in my underwear



**** this sucks...

really wish they would have just taken my car

i NEED my cell (and wallet)

the tools i can replace but may take years, hell i don't even remember what all is in there


(rant) i'm buying a gun later today
Instead of relying on people on a web forum to call the police for you, why didn't you just go to your neighbor's place and use their phone??
jersey_emt said:
Instead of relying on people on a web forum to call the police for you, why didn't you just go to your neighbor's place and use their phone??

because if it was me, i'd be pissed that some jerk woke me up at 4:30am for a simple b&e

if there was bleeding or some other serious injury then **** yeah
wtf? you ran after robbers and they ran away? florida rabbers are ****** either dumb or to poor to get a gun. If it was here in NY your dumb ass would have been shot for acting like that. A simple shouting and I'm calling the cops would have been enough. Either that or sneak up on them with a weapon such as a bat or gun if you had one. hope it gets resolved
RaiderMP5 said:
and why didn't YOU call the cops when you were begging people to call the cops for you?
they stole his phones. read up.

and yes. its a banana hammock. (poke) or use the house phone. If you can go online then one would think you have a land line. "I don't have a house phone" is a stupid excuse because Bellsouth charges me $18.81 a month for their most basic plan. A plan that will allow me to call 911.
maybe he has cable internet, and has no house line....which by the sounds of it he doesnt because he has 2 cell phones.......
keleko said:
oh, i'll stop here and tell you to **** off if you don't like me calling them "the n-******* word"

there's ppl who happen to be black, and then there's them

You need a gun with an extra clip kept within 5 feet of your bed at all times.

Those 2 Kanye West look-a-likes would have never left the house alive, and you wouldn't have to worry about those brothas breaking into any other homes either.

They only make up 13% of the general population, but they make up 40% of the prison population, you gotta be ready for when they come. As you have seen, you can't count on other people and you can't always count on the phones working or even being there.

^^ all true, above

2 cells, no landline, got cable

never knew about

didn't have a chance to even look for a gun today
I got cable too. Get Vonage, $15 a month. I got free hardware, 1st month free. 400 minutes. check it out!
jersey_emt said:
Instead of relying on people on a web forum to call the police for you, why didn't you just go to your neighbor's place and use their phone??

Agreed. Sucks to be you, but you're also an idiot.
Go to Walmart or somewhere and get some of those little sticky magnet alarms that go on doors and windows. They install in like 2 seconds.

Can you get a tazer without a waiting period? Try an army surplus store.
Sain't said:
Go to Walmart or somewhere and get some of those little sticky magnet alarms that go on doors and windows. They install in like 2 seconds.

Can you get a tazer without a waiting period? Try an army surplus store.
My mother got me those alarms for christmas and I must say they work very well. You can turm them off easily also.

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