Is it just me? The Protege5 goes thru headlight bulbs like its food

My first time reading this thread and I just replaced both of my low beams yesterday after both of my silverstars blew out within a week of each other.
had my car 4+ years, broke one, but didn't burn out any. got my original set, one bad aftermarket one that burned my wires and osram silverstars going 2 yrs now.
go HID and shoe away teh halogen demons

now if my HID's go out, i'm removing my sub from this thread and never coming back
Oh yeah, they do suck. I wrote to Mazda back in 2005 when I had to replace my first low beam bulb. I've been through at least 10 low beam bulbs since then. I'm convinced there is better engineering in a gumball machine and wish for the designer(s) (heaven forbid more than one man thought this was a good idea) of the low beam bulb holder to fall down a set of stairs into the hands (paws) of a waiting puma that's been locked in a cradenza for a month.
I just replaced my low beam bulb. Driver side so it was easy. and the instructions clearly stated "do not touch the bulb with your fingers". Oil from you skin can damage the bulb". So I made sure I didn't touch the bulb with my fingers. I know someone mentioned earlier in this thread that it shouldn't matter as it's only on the outside. But there must be something to it, if the instructions say not to touch the bulb.
I've replaced 4 bulbs in 18months. I usually drive with the headlights on, but I did the same with my lst car and changed them once in six years. The first time I replaced them with silverstars and they lasted 4months. The guy at autozone told me that the bulb type is at fault and that they overheat and burn out. I did notice the last time I changed them that the bulbs don't seem to sit properly in the hole in the headlight housing. I don't know if this is part of the problem or what the deal is. To me it looks as if the bulb should sit snugly into the hole on the back of the headlight housing, but that the bulb is just a little too big or the hole is a little too small. I hope these new bulbs last longer becuause I hate changing the bulbs as there is barely any room to get my hand in there anyway.
For those of you fellow P5 owners that have switched to HIDs, (low beam), I have a question:

Is it risky/damaging to switch to high beams, and back to lows (hid) like when you flash your highs at somebody? Would the interruption of current on and off quickly be harmful?

I realize the output of hids likely negate the use of your high beams, so really just curious about 'flashing' somebody...say to alert them of a speed trap ahead. . ., (not that i condone that sort of thing) :)

For those of you fellow P5 owners that have switched to HIDs, (low beam), I have a question:

Is it risky/damaging to switch to high beams, and back to lows (hid) like when you flash your highs at somebody? Would the interruption of current on and off quickly be harmful?

I realize the output of hids likely negate the use of your high beams, so really just curious about 'flashing' somebody...say to alert them of a speed trap ahead. . ., (not that i condone that sort of thing) :)


Aren't the highs completely different bulbs? When I high-beam someone, my low-beams stay on at the same time as the highs, so there's no interruption of current for the lows.

Then again, I'm up in Canada so DRL might have something to do with my lows being always on.
Yes low beam power is not interrupted when hi is on, unless your alternator is weak like mine the voltage might drop a little, but the ballast in the HID kit should handle it with no problem.
Also, you will still need your hi when you want to see far. (and no oncoming traffic) light output from low beam doesn't aim high and it should not be.
had my car 4+ years, broke one, but didn't burn out any. got my original set, one bad aftermarket one that burned my wires and osram silverstars going 2 yrs now.

forgot to mention, my fog lights are original (for me since 04) on all the time. don't know what to get, osram silverstars fogs? ahh, just worry about it when burnout.
I didn't have to replace any headlight bulbs for more than 4 years. I moved from BC to Ontario last year, and both my headlights 'died' about 2 months apart. I replaced the first one, but didn't bother replacing the second one. After 3 months, the second one started working again, and has been working for 4 months with no problems. I think it is a vibrational/bulb seating problem (at least for my situation). I never had any problems in BC because the roads were pretty good. Here in Ontario, the roads are totally potholed everywhere and I think that is what caused the problem.
my '03 P5 has 63,000 miles on it.
I bought it at 27,500.
AFAIK, original bulbs.

That said, I'm upgrading to Xtravisions tonight, tired of the crappy coverage.
I thought I was the only one that had this problem. Im in Atlanta and I have replaced my lowbeams around 5 times. I went through 3 sets in one year. Luckily, the bulbs I buy come with a warranty and just get them replaced each time for free. My current set are about 8 months old so I feel good about this set.
I just repaced my second low beam a week ago and expresses my pissed off-ness to the guy working at the counter in NAPA and he said people come in all the time buying the the H7 bulbs and he said from his experience working with NAPA they burn out the fastest. So maybee its not so much our cars rather the type bulb?