Is it just me? The Protege5 goes thru headlight bulbs like its food

my stock bulbs were fine when I replaced them with luminics, which I was told were going to blow out like crazy and they have been running perfect for like 3 years now. who knows
im pretty sure it is voltage surges

when my alternator was going, i lost 3 bulbs

i havent lost any since replacing it

could be the bad grounding that these cars seem to have as well
The stock bulbs lasted like three+ years. the sylvania silverstar[TM] burn out in 6 motnhs (to the day - it seems). D/S is worse than passenger side.

Bulb filaments fail.

Tied to increased vibes from the motor mounts? Maybe. Power surges? Not likely. You see would them visibly go brighter to account for this. I don't.

Sylvania QA problems? Maybe. Do other cars/forums report the same issue?

I went with the syl Xtravision (step down - not much less brighter) to see if that helps. i will report status (in six months ;) )

If I did it again - i would go HIDs. The replacement bulbs would have paid for it. [sigh]
Mine blew last night, just purchased the Apexcone HID kit for $90 from the RPM group buy - cannot beat that price!
Well I live in Southern Louisiana, so its usually pretty humid here. My passenger side bulb went out the other day, hasnt rained in awhile and it hasnt been very humid.

Replaced two bulbs since March 2003. Spent 3 years in Charleston, SC (one bulb) and the rest of the time in Minneapolis (one bulb).
maybe they break because of the tight suspension, all the bumps and vibrations are transferred to the car cabin and other parts of the car

Replaced bulbs in both cars, plus i had a mod itch, so, went with HID in both cars, and no negative effects so far.

Plus MUCHO greater light output
Mine blew last night, just purchased the Apexcone HID kit for $90 from the RPM group buy - cannot beat that price!

What? I bought it $99 last week. Don't tell me they drop the price this week....
It arrived today though, with the new coffee grinder I bought they made my day.

ive had my p5 since last july, and had no issues with bulbs going.

recently switched to apexcone HID kit and i love it.
I think I started a thread about this a long time ago, it seems to me like a third of the P5's I see on the street have one dead headlight.

Then again, it could be a psychological thing where the memory of seeing dead lights is unique, so it gets remembered, while the normal occurrences are forgotten...
I had the same problem. Then i bought an HID kit from the store stated above.
Two words
Effin sweet