Inches Franction to Millimeters Conversion Chart


2003 Spicy Orange Mazdaspeed Protege
Inch Fractions to Millimeters Conversion Chart

Ok, this is just a helpful post for those who want to replace any size hose with sillicone or whatever. Yesterday I wanted to redo my vacuum lines and I knew that on our cars they are 3/16" but I had to order them in metric. Somewhere on the site it was incorrectly posted that 3/16" is 3.5mm, but I couldn't find 3.5mm hoses anywhere at the local auto supply stores. So just to double check I got on the internet and found a site that had the conversions posted. To my chagrin it turns out the 3/16" is actually 4.7mm! Anyway, I did find some 5mm hose and managemed to do the job (5mm is a little big, but with zip ties everthing is snug).

Anyway, all this is beside the point. What I want to do is post a copy of the chart I found so that anyone else who is looking for conversions can find them here on the site.



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actually its 5/32(3.5) for the vac lines. 3/16 works on the actuator only and should reduce it down to a 5/32.
Yeah, I`ve got 5/32 everywhere.

JDM Sam said:
actually its 5/32(3.5) for the vac lines. 3/16 works on the actuator only and should reduce it down to a 5/32.
Frikkin useless standard measurement. LOL...why does that still exist, and why does the supposed most advanced country in the world, the ONLY country that still uses it?