I finally did it three!

i'm just starting to use it...i like it because it's smaller, i can use it for multiple thinsg like the car and the bike...it's pretty easy to use, i always was messing up the gopro by turning it off when i thought i was turning it on...but that's just me!
I've been thinking about getting something for mountain biking. My friend has one and has made some cool videos of our local trails. Here's one of me following him (until he clipped a rock wall with his pedal). I kept up for a little while but I was in the wrong gear climbing the hill and he took off. He also has a 29"er which rolls better.

:( camera is going back...1080 hd cool! no sound bad...stay tuned for more results
I've been thinking about getting something for mountain biking. My friend has one and has made some cool videos of our local trails. Here's one of me following him (until he clipped a rock wall with his pedal). I kept up for a little while but I was in the wrong gear climbing the hill and he took off. He also has a 29"er which rolls better.


I'm a big fan of my 29er. I roll over everything. Downside is that it doesn't turn as quickly as a 26. Not too big of a problem for the trails I ride, but it's noticable. I think I'm going to get a disc brake conversion for it eventually.
I love my disc brakes. That was an absolute requirement when I was shopping for a budget bike. I just put new tires on and it will stop on a dime. Not as sensitive as hydraulic brake lines but way better than rim brakes. I would like a 29"er but after riding a $3,000 full suspension 26"er the other day, I think suspension is more important than wheel size. But I'll beat the crap out of my budget bike for another year before I invest in something new. I just have have remember that it takes twice the amount of effort to keep up with my buddies on nicer bikes.
What's suspension?

Haha... I'm rockin' a single speed, rigid frame.
new phats!

haha...well josh will attest to this...going on a ride my window is covered with stuff, i've got the speedpass, work garage pass, detector, gps...now i've got 2 in one...it helps...thing is pretty cool though, although it bounces a bit because it's a bit heavier than a standard gps...maybe there's somethng i can tighten up?

get my tires, spacers and an alignment right now
these new conti tires are AWESOME! with my new spacers and rear sway the car handles like no tomorrow! wow

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