How To: Shaving Side Moldings.

javanc said:
Clay bar, clay bar. That should get it off, and if it doesnt the detailer will be able to.

detailer...the detailer that comes w/ the clay bar...or detailer as in a person b/c i'm not gonna pay neone to take it off.... :cool:
i just did the small molding on the fender today to see what it would look like underneath and it has like an outline of the molding and i guess i have to wax it alot to get it even?? idk but im painting it soon anyways
By now, your car has 5+ years of being in the sun, so it's possible the paint behind the molding will appear brighter than the rest. I took mine off 3 years after I bought the car. Fortunately for me, it's not as noticeable as the front bumper.

If the outline isn't the paint but some of the glue, try some 3m resin remover. You should be able to get it off with that.
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yea i have the 3m adhesive remover, if i just sponge some of that on there and let it soak for a while do u think it would help? i already waxed it and it seemed to help but i can still see the line so ill be tryin that resin remover stuff soon
side mouldings

i have a 2002 p5 silver it has been winter driven and s*** should i even bother trying this mod or will there be noticable lines
i have a 2002 p5 silver it has been winter driven and s*** should i even bother trying this mod or will there be noticable lines

no u shouldnt, unless u want to risk having glue lines/darker paint underneath the moulding because some of the glue just seriously doesnt come off
i soaked the adhesive strip on the pass. side fender and that thing is still on there, theres also a big outline of glue around where it used to be, i guess they like super super glued that side, or something

but if u want to risk it, i would do it, it makes it look alot better
no u shouldn't, unless u want to risk having glue lines/darker paint underneath the molding because some of the glue just seriously doesn't come off
i soaked the adhesive strip on the pass. side fender and that thing is still on there, theres also a big outline of glue around where it used to be, i guess they like super super glued that side, or something

but if u want to risk it, i would do it, it makes it look a lot better

Did you use the 3M adhesive remover? I sprayed it liberally, then poured some Goo Gone into a cup and used a detail brush to brush it on to get the area good and wet. Waited about five minutes or so and took a shop towel to it. It rubbed right off, for the most part. Some spots are a bear but all in all it was pretty simple.

Afterwards I washed the car and hit up the doors with some cleaner wax, polished, and then carnuba. You could not tell that the moldings were ever on there.

May be wise to have a warm car first. Cold weather isn't good for the adhesive as the pores will not be open to take the adhesive remover.

If you are worried about the finish under it compared to the area around it take a good look at the finish on your car. If you have fading and polishing hasn't been able to fix it than don't try this project.

Worse case scenario, you take it off and it looks awful, get some two sided auto tape and put them back on.
yea i poured the 3m stuff on it and its still stuck on there, i only did the little part on the fender on both sides tho, so i dont really care because im gonna be getting new fenders anyways, both of mine have huge dents in them
the drivers side came off no problem and yea it looks like the moldings were never there after some real wax, idk why the pass. side is being such a PITA


some picks in good ol florida...
It is a clean look. Are the removed moldings mangled or still decent? I was wondering if you could re-apply them to strips of refrigerator-magnet stuff and have removable moldings (kinda like a magnetic sign) for heavy mall visits around x-mas, etc. ?
^wow that is genius, im sure u could do that but u would have to be careful taking them off
and i dont imagine the magnets would hold very well, but thats a really smart idea