How to enable touchscreen on Android Auto? 2021 CX-5

Hi there,

I have a 2021 mazda cx5 with the old infotainment.
When connected to android auto touch screen is disabled, is there any fix to that?

Probably the only way is using hacked firmware, but it is (easy) available only if you use an older Mazda's firmware.
It would be nice if someone finds a solution, but it isn't available in my opinion.
Is this confirmed? I have tried using Mazda AIO Tweaks, and looking for any mods I can install on my phone (rooted pixel 8) such as Magisk or Xposed modules, and haven't found any way to enable touchscreen on Android Auto. I have a 2019 CX5 and version 70.00.100 for my head unit.

Does anyone know how to enable touchscreen on AA? Please, I've searched all over the web and have found no solutions at all. Surely someone has managed to get this working!