Hey it looks like Mazdaspeed and Mitsubishi have something in Common!!!

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Pretty good read! I thought this funny because 1.) there have been a number of people who have had things happen to their car and Mazda Refused to cover it siting misuse. 2.) As the writer from Autoblog said, "you should be able to push an Evo hard", in our case, we should also be able to push our car hard also without fear of breakage! Read on for details

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Why in the world would they make a PLASTIC gas pedal lever???!!!?? and I don't really know of any problems like this with the MS3...only blown turbos and engines...which is a completely different story..
jeez thats rough thing to deny a warranty claim on. maybe now ppl here will stop bitching?? somehow i doubt it...
i think threads like this are ridiculous. you want to beat the crap out of the car, and you expect it to last forever, AND have mazda fix any claim you might have against the warranty. yeah, i'm sure mazda expected the car to get used a little harder than a normal 3 would, thats why they upgraded the suspension, wheels, brakes, etc. but i can almost guarantee you that they never intended for the car to get thrashed every day.
i think threads like this are ridiculous. you want to beat the crap out of the car, and you expect it to last forever, AND have mazda fix any claim you might have against the warranty. yeah, i'm sure mazda expected the car to get used a little harder than a normal 3 would, thats why they upgraded the suspension, wheels, brakes, etc. but i can almost guarantee you that they never intended for the car to get thrashed every day.

I really think it is a matter of subjective opinion. You assume that he was thrashing the car, but what if he was not. Basically a clutch pedal should not break like at all. Did you even read the same article everyone else did?
who's to say he wasnt beating the crap out of the car BEFORE the pedal snapped off, and weakened it enough so that it broke at that point? i agree that it sucks, but come on. maybe he was heel-toeing at an autocross over the weekend and put a little too much side pressure on the pedal. then, when he goes to take off with a little "enthusiasm" it breaks? yeah, he wasnt beating on it when it happened, but that doesnt mean he wasnt beating on it.

edit - it wasnt the clutch it was the accelerator. did you read the same article?
Wow that's funny and not fun at the same time. Just goes to show you where mitsu put their eggs, not in the fit and finish but in the engine/tranny/awd. Reminds me of my old V-dub. Everything and anything that was plastic seemed to break clear off the car. I don't think i've actually checked what our MS3 accelorators are made of...but i'm pretty sure it's a metal and not plastic...people better think again before they pay $40K on a piece of plastic...I think for the Money the bmw 1 series is the way to go. Just as fast and i'm sure build quality is leap years ahead of a mitsu...
I don't think anyone can defend what this guy did to his car. He simply beat the living hell out of it and something was going to break sooner or later. I personally don't blame Mitsu for this....this is TOTALLY that guys fault.

Edit: I want to actually slap this guy for lying because it just helps people be more paranoid about dealerships and warranties.
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Edit: I want to actually slap this guy for lying because it just helps people be more paranoid about dealerships and warranties.

and it makes dealers second guess every car that comes in for legitimate warranty service
i think the real concern here isnt the warranty, what if this were to happen to the brake pedal?? Thinking of it like that makes this a little bit more serious, I would be pissed at mitsu if I were him too.
I imagine this guy to be a total dork who got his first really fast car so every chance he got, he would slam the pedal to show off while he got a woody and yelled "Weeeee!".
who's to say he wasnt beating the crap out of the car BEFORE the pedal snapped off, and weakened it enough so that it broke at that point? i agree that it sucks, but come on. maybe he was heel-toeing at an autocross over the weekend and put a little too much side pressure on the pedal. then, when he goes to take off with a little "enthusiasm" it breaks? yeah, he wasnt beating on it when it happened, but that doesnt mean he wasnt beating on it.

edit - it wasnt the clutch it was the accelerator. did you read the same article?

"UPDATE: It was actually the accelerator pedal, not the clutch pedal as originally stated. Post above has been corrected."

I did read the same article bright eyes! They just updated it, so you must have just read it yourself. (smash)
"UPDATE: It was actually the accelerator pedal, not the clutch pedal as originally stated. Post above has been corrected."

I did read the same article bright eyes! They just updated it, so you must have just read it yourself. (smash)


i'm out...
HA how do you break the accelerator? You got no witty comeback for that one, hence you brushing it off and scurrying away.....

LOL, yo darksun, where ya been man! I actually posted this topic up in rememberance of you.

How is the car running man?

so what is it we have in common? again?

Some Speed drivers have had their warranties denied for things such as motor mounts failing and Mazda claimed missuse of the car, however the car is sold as a tossable and aggressively driven piece of machinery so like the author of the post stated " You should be able to drive an Evo like and Evo" as for us, we should be able to drive a Speed3 like a speed3 without worrying about a motor mount failing.

Basically it is a fine line of opinion, but the point is you should be able to drive a sports car like a sports car.
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so what is it we have in common? again?

That's what I was thinking....Pedals shouldn't break PERIOD!!!...and Turbo engines will blow rods if running LEAN and Motormounts break when racing.....Doesn't really have anything in common.
I don't care how hard you drive your car, the gas pedal should never come off. You should be able to stand on it and it should not break.

For those of you saying that you should go easier on it: This is a sign of a defective piece of, in this case, plastic. If he was to go easier on it, it only would have taken longer to break, because it would have broken, because it was defective.

Same goes for the steering wheel. I should be able to shake that thing silly, and it should never pop off. It shouldn't, same as the pedals, and is designed as such. The break pedal is designed to take all of the driver's weight, the other two aren't any different. If it does break, it is because of a defective part.

In engineering school they teach you to design for idiots (for things to be misused and pushed beyond their intended limits). This was a high performance machine, and the part we are talking about is a SIMPLE LEVER.

There are tens of thousands of parts in a car. Even if you design for 99.9% reliability in the parts, you're still going to have a lot of parts that are defective. This guy's just happened to be a pedal.
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