hello from Quebec


hello every one,

I don't speak english very well.

Since 3 years i had a mazda 6 Gt sport (canada), the last week I signed for a used cx-9 2008 GT awd because i have 1 boy (2 years old) and twins(3 month) and i need a big car like cx-9 now.

my new car :

cx-9 2008 GT awd (canada)
pack luxe
navigation systeme
rear entertainment systeme





see you later
Bonjour et Felicitation! Moi aussi je vien du Quebec

Moi je m'en vais chercher mon CX-9 2008 GT Awd ce mercredi! J'ai bien hate aussi.

Comment aime tu ton vehicule presentement?

et merci pour votre acceuil,

je l'ai dans une dizaines de jours et en meme temps je rend ma 6 2006 en location.

belle coincidence pour nos cx-9 , ou as tu eu le tiens ?

a bientot

PS: je suis content de voir des quebecois sur le forum
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Bonjour & Welcome to Mazda Forums, OlivierQC! (hi)

Love the CX-9...It's a very handsome Mazda...Nice intro (your English is fine) & pics...Enjoy the forums! :D

This is an English forum, right? Or did I all of a sudden go to France?

While the default language here is English...There is NO required language on Mazda Forums...As long as there are fellow Members that understand the same language...Use what you wish! (thumb)
Were the ultrasound sensors done by the dealer or yourself?
Nicely done and in the same color.
Do they give out false alarms with heavy snow or ice on them?

Enjoy your Stormy Blue. Love the color (see my avatar..)
Hello ceric,

-The ultrasound sensors were already on the car when I purchased it.
-The sensors are really practical when I park , particularly in my garage which allows me to get as close as possible to the wall without problems.
-The sensors do ring when there is a lot of snow falling or heavy rain and the sound is loud and annoying at times..but the sensors are still worth it.

Here is the link :
(but I didn't find my modele : 8 sensors blue and 2 Wired LED Digital Display)

http://www.parkingsensors.net/sc.cgi?cart_id=&keywords=Systems for SUVs&search=Search&nh=2







see you
hello every one,

here is some pictures of my car, with my family. my son (2,5 years old) and my twins (6 months old), the cx-9 (or similar about the size like the acura mdx) is the perfect car for me and my family.

But I have several desapointment about the ''luxury'' cx-9 :
- the car paint, there is a lot of little scratch and I think the paint of the mazda cx-9 is fragile
- beige leather seat and blue jeans
- defective interior metallic door handle

have a nice day
im interested in the ultrasound sensors for the front. or better yet a camera. anyone have any recommendations?
hello at all

A few days ago, I noticed that the electric motor on the hathback door did not work properly when i needed to close the door. Basically, it ould not latch and closed the door.
I went to mazda Albi and after 1 hour and various tests, ir was found that the closer motor of the hatchback door needs top be changed. The piece is ordered and it all falls under warranty...

see you later
While you are there at the dealer, ask them to replace the interior silver-painted garnish pieces.
Many of us have had the dealer replace them with newer ones that have an extra layer to coating on them to be more scratch-resistance.