Has anyone tried autosurfing?


Vivid Yellow 2003 Mazda Protege5
I JUST got into it. My friend talked me into it because he's racking in like $5000 BIWEEKLY and talking about how he's gonna cash out on a new G35 next month. I threw in $30 to test the waters and another $20 on another site with a higher pay out. I'm just curious if anyone else out there has tried it, is doing it, or has thought about it. And if so... what sites are you going with?

And a shameless plug (boom07) :

Here's my referral links to the sites I'm currently testing out! (thumb)
12Daily Pro: http://www.12dailypro.com/?ref=147127 I got $30 in this one
SurfSquare: http://www.surfsquare.com/?ref=2417 I got $20 in here.
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Gee thanks! Help a stranger out instead! :rolleyes: How about you just don't do it then? Sheesh! It costs no more to click on either link.

In all seriousness though... I did read the site. I know WHAT it is but I don't quite understand how they get their funding while paying out 12% at every end. Where do these people get their profit? And I am NOT joking that my friend is racking in $5000 every 12 days. I can think of a few mods I can purchase with that kind of dough! :D
Ya know, I was just simply asking if anyone is doing it and what it was all about. But thanks for the useless and uninformative posts. That helps alot! (thumb)