Ford Explorer VS. CX-9 Engine & Bay comparison, Explorer loses.

The more you know......

Did you know? Ford Explorer has a foam engine cover. Yes, it is 100% foam, just like a pool noodle, except it must be heat tolerant or something.
The engine in the Explorer has the same basic long block as the CX-9, but everything else is very Ford. Very cheap indeed.
First, take a look at the CX-9 Engine bay, and then compare if you will. You decide, which one do you want?

I noticed the valve covers are plastic. I can't remember is the CX-9 covers are plastic or metal...










I would take the CX9 every time over the new explorer. The explorer just does nothing for me visually, and the vast majority of reviews still rate the CX9 as better vehicle even though the ford is a 5 year newer platform.

On the plus side of the foam engine cover, I think it was designed to double as a flotation device. Just in case you happen to be driving past someone who appears to be drowning, you can stop, pop your hood, remove the cover and throw it to the drowning person.

I wonder why Mazda didnt think of that?(uhm)
We test drove the explorer after dirving the CX9 and there was no comparison except for better places for my wife to store her purse. The real killer for us was the access to the 3rd which we use often. The Ford system seemed clunky and hard to use. By far CX-9 had the best 3rd row access of any vehicle we tested in its class.
One small difference which shows a lot is the coolant reservoirs. (left hand side)
CX9 uses original plastic (white), while Explorer uses recycled plastic (black).
You might think that it is eco-friendly.... true, but coolant tank is hot.
The recycled plastic will not last very long before it develops cracks.
Ford believe it can last more than 3yr/36K miles. The rest is your problem...
The true reason might be cost-saving.
i like the exterior design of the ford better, but i wasn't that impressed after driving it. plus, the electronics and color screens inside look cool but their longevity made me nervous