Fan Not Working

My CX7 started having problems...i would start the car and turn on my heater....nothing. A few minutes later it would come on. Over time it would take longer and longer for it to come on, now it doesn't come on at all. I took it to the dealer and a mechanic said it could be the resistor. $105.00 just to run a diagnostic on it. I was praying for a blown fuse....but I don't think that's the issue. It's out of warranty so that hurts. Has anyone ever heard of or experienced this problem?
I have not heard of this problem but, first check fusees. Your owners manual will give the location. $105 for diagnoses is crazy greedy in my opinion. Have you had the interior filter replaced recently? If so, it may have somehow gotten into the blower. If you can't fix it yourself, I check with a local recommended independent rather than the dealer.