Estimate price? (car accident)

sfprotege5 said:
After reading all the messages, I totally agree that the person hit you from the back is fault.........just want to mention you can always decide which shop can fix your car.......if I am you, I will let the dealer to fix it............

I don't know why other driver is not admitting his faultness.
This is obvious. He might be afraid of getting kicked out of his insurance co? or in fact he was driving his mom's car or he still have not changed his plate and license?
and their insurance adjuster is not answering my phone, hard to get hold of her.
but they still want me to fax them original copy of police reports.
I don't even know if they are going to pay me in full ,even if they found out it was his insurer's fault.
Hi all
sorry about the double post.
but I have good news for me!!!
I called the police who filed our police reports and she told me she wrote down what we exactly told her.
I was making right turn and one lane st and guy behind me hit my rear all the way to front.
so I asked her if she wrote who's fault it is, and she told me in chicago, whoever is in unit one in reports is at fault.
I'm unit two. yeah~~~~~
But, I guess his insurance adjuster still want to see the reports.
cause that's what their job is ...try to minimize payments...
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I'm sorry to hear such impatient drivers raming up your ass while you are trying to make a right turn.... good thing it is now almost resolved.

Tip 1, u must (should) report any accident more than 400 bucks in damages to the dmv whether covered by insurance or not... thats what it says in the book. my friend didn't report and her licence is on probation, she can only drive to and from school... if she gets caught she is fu*ked.

Tip 2, never fu*king not file a police report / claim insurance if you are not at fault even if the other person seems remotely nice. and unless it is me. (especially in this country and certain parts of china)

Tip 3, always use your turn signals..... even though you may not have, just tell the cops you did....

Tip 4,
I don't know why other driver is not admitting his faultness.
How long have you lived in america for?? Man people here don't claim fault for anything! I had my neighbour back in her spot and ram up our fender and she never said she did anything wrong and she never said sorry.

Tip 5, if you are right and if you know you are right, always be an asshole about it, do what you want, I wouldn't trust anyone, also I guess this example shows us not to trust anyone since you had to report it to their insurance anyways.

Tip 6, if you do not have a social secuirty number you can get out of accidents even if it is your fault and even if you don't have insurance.
tttP5 said:
I'm sorry to hear such impatient drivers raming up your ass while you are trying to make a right turn.... good thing it is now almost resolved.

Tip 6, if you do not have a social secuirty number you can get out of accidents even if it is your fault and even if you don't have insurance.

Thank you so much for your help.!!!!
I had contact with their insurance adjuster.
funny thing is they are going to determine whether pay me or not by photos of road. It was one lane st, but they are saying even though it's one lane, there are cars making left turn and going straight. I don't think they are even look at the police reports.
anywayi have called my previous insurance agent, she said she's going to help me. :)
she asked me to get a copy of original police reports, my own estimate damage price from dealer($4000) and theirs from body shop($2400). I don't know what she will do with those documents but, hey its better than nothing.
however, I'm thinking about hiring an attorney for myself. like other great advisers in this forum said, no matter where he hit. it really doesn't matter. Like SirNuke stated it is called "FAILURE TO CONTROL SPEED/DISTANCE"
but Thank you so much for the nice tips tttp5.
i'll keep that in mind;)

p.s. Thank you for listening and understaning my problems guys
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GET SOME FREAKING INSURANCE!! Then you won't even have to deal with this crap. You call your insurance company tell them what happened and give them the other drivers info and they play all these stupid head games. Its much easier.
LinuxRacr said:
She has insurance.

I'm confused!

I have been reading all these posts about the accident etc. and all the info regarding her insurance (Or lack of it!)

Some posts she says she has insurance, others :

"I just hope my police reports says it's their fault or insurance adjuster admits its her insurer's fault.
Otherwise I 'm in deep trouble not having insurance. (but they don't know that=shame on me.)"

Says she don't! - Even Nuke told her to get some insurance!

So I'm just wondering which it is?? Does she have insurance or not?! - If she does then why all the trouble, just let the insurance companies deal with it - damn! we pay 'em enough!
If I had an insurance that time, then I wouldn't even ask for help.
I went to korea last dec/2002 about a month, so when I came back, due to non payment , it was cancelled.
they sent out notice early dec.
I do insurance now. but can't do anything about this accident.
however, good fellow members like big_ben, sirNuke,LinuxRacr, tttP5 gave me very good advices and praying for me( I hope) I have nothing to worry about.
MP5 rules :)

I am sorry to hear about your situation, but, you really should not have been driving the vehicle at all without insurance. Not only for situations like the one you are in now. but also for circumstances that could be much worse, namely medical liability, not to mention property damage to the other driver's vehicle if you were responsible for an accident. If it had been you that hit the other car and the occupants suffered any medical injuries, perhaps even serious, you would be in some very serious financial and legal trouble. I don't know if you are still financing the car through a lender and am not familiar with insurance and driving laws in IL, but in CA, you cannot drive without insurance while the vehicle has a lien against it. At the very least, if your vehicle was paid off, you would not be able to renew your vehicle registration. The moment the insurance policy lapsed/cancelled, the insurance company would send a letter to the lender stating so. The lender would then "appoint" you auto insurance, most likely at a much higher premium, because they must protect their interest, which is the car that they are letting you borrow the money on. Next time you go to Korea, make sure you take care of business in advance. Good luck with trying to get it fixed. Ahn-yong!
Drumrboy said:

I am sorry to hear about your situation, but, you really should not have been driving the vehicle at all without insurance. Not only for situations like the one you are in now. but also for circumstances that could be much worse, namely medical liability, not to mention property damage to the other driver's vehicle if you were responsible for an accident. If it had been you that hit the other car and the occupants suffered any medical injuries, perhaps even serious, you would be in some very serious financial and legal trouble. I don't know if you are still financing the car through a lender and am not familiar with insurance and driving laws in IL, but in CA, you cannot drive without insurance while the vehicle has a lien against it. At the very least, if your vehicle was paid off, you would not be able to renew your vehicle registration. The moment the insurance policy lapsed/cancelled, the insurance company would send a letter to the lender stating so. The lender would then "appoint" you auto insurance, most likely at a much higher premium, because they must protect their interest, which is the car that they are letting you borrow the money on. Next time you go to Korea, make sure you take care of business in advance. Good luck with trying to get it fixed. Ahn-yong!

he he good thing I don't live in cali. thanks for the advices.
btw are u korean?

I am Korean on my mother's side, my father is German/Irish American. I lived in both Seoul and Kwang-Ju when I was young, around 3rd an 4th grade, then moved to Indonesia from there until I finished high school. Sad to say, the last time I was in Korea was the summer of 1986 when the whole family moved back to the USA, but my mother goes there every few years to visit family and was there this last Novermber -
December like yourself. Is there a large Korean community in Chicago? There is in San Diego, no less LA. My Korean speaking ability is very limited, but I can understand much more. :D

Hey, I'm new here to the forums.
I've read this thread. It was pretty interesting.
So Bijou, how is everything now? Did you resolve everything?
RedP52002 said:
Hey, I'm new here to the forums.
I've read this thread. It was pretty interesting.
So Bijou, how is everything now? Did you resolve everything?

I just picked up my original police reports today, but it doesn't say anything in police reports. IL police reports assume unit 1 vehicle at fault.
My previous insurance agent called up their insurance adjuster.
just waiting for the reply.
Some of you are saying even if she didn't signal, say she did. Well, how would you like to be the guy who gets ****** cause the person in front of you didn't signal, and you rearended her in your brand new p5 and YOU had to pay for her and your car? That's lame to lie about stuff that affects other people in a huge way. Just my 2 cents.
I agree too, Colonel, but lets say you were in her shoes... what than? Would you or would you not say you had your lights on?
colonel forbin said:
I mean, it's worse than hit and run, cause not only would the person have to cover his car, he'd have to cover your car as well.

I don't know where this is going but....
good thing he has insurance and bad thing he didn't drive carefully enough and give safe distance.

since you guys are not on my situation right now, it's easy for you guys to say about other driver's feeling.

This thread were about estimate damage prices on my car and advices to get through my situtation. Not giving personal opinions about other drvier's feeling.;)