driving in the rain poem


This is a poem I wrote about an actual event. I was driving in the rain down my hill, in my mom's mercury sable, and well... read the poem

Right now I am driving the Sable
To make this turn, while Im able
The pats of rain, on the roof
Seems to be the reasonable proof
The road is slick as I know
The car does handle like a cow
I hit the gas and turn the wheel
A loss of traction I seem to feel
What-ho! The rear tires are flying!
I sense that I may soon be dying
The rear tires go left swiftly
I begin to miss life already
I correct, and steer the other way
However, my luck is out today
Left then right the car fishtailed
Flying like a train derailed
However, through drivers training
I had learned to cope when it is raining
Swinging the wheel side to side,
I managed to save my bovine ride!
And then I did go and proceed
Though at a somewhat lessened speed.
aMaff said:
Good save...when'd that happen? Nice poem too...
Almost a year ago, yeah. Looking back, I can't believe some of the stupid things I've done, but I'm alive, and the car's ok, so it's all good. As long as I don't any more stunts like that. The poetry isn't the best, but I think it captures the mood of the event really well. "hahaha holy crap I'm still alive"