Direct Injection on Mazda3?

So the new 3 looks pretty awesome. Being a current owner (2007 3s), I love the car. That being said, I am looking at new cars and the 2010 tempts me. But I would HATE to go out and buy one only to have them add direct injection the next model year! I only know what I have read about direct injection, but it all sounds great. Does anyone know what the future is on this? Because if I get a new one I will be getting one that is top of the price scale (23,000+), and at that price the new camaro or hyundai genesis coupe and GTI are in competition. (I know that that also outs the speed 3 in the mix, but I want better mpg than that!).

Any thoughts or speculation would be helpful; I have looked all over the web and have come up with nothing of any substance.
Still no one, huh? Please if you have any ideas feel free to share them, but I just don't think there is much of a chance a sales person would know.
The question is:
Does anyone know if/when mazda's is going to add Direct Injection to the 3s?

Thanks for any help you can give.
as far as i can tell from mazdas website they are not going disi. But they are going to a 2.5l instead of the 2.3 on n/a 3's
correct.... thats all the info i know as well... no disi on the n/a application in the future just a bigger engine with more umphf
Yeah that is all I have heard as well; but when the '10 model was debut last year almost every article about it mentioned that the new engine was going to be D.I.. Arn't the speed 3 and 6 both direct injection? If they already have the tech. developed I figured that (especially with the uncertain gas prices) they would go with it.
I dig the new model, but I hate the thought of buying one and then have them do what mitsubishi did (Lancer GTS got a big boost in power a year after it came out). The other thing is that it seems like the word on the 2.5 is so-so; some like it, but others think it is not as good as the 2.3 was. Car and driver wrote that it is actually .4 seconds slower than the 2.3 going from 0-60! (While that might not be correct, how much would it suck to get dusted by someone in an older model!)