Border crossing...


Hey it has been a long time since I have been up to Canada... What kind of doc's we need to get back into the USA? If I remember getting into Canada is pretty easy it is just the getting back that they can give us trouble...

I would be pissed if I couldn't get back in... as Iam sure would anyone else. (lol2)
manicmsp said:
Hey it has been a long time since I have been up to Canada... What kind of doc's we need to get back into the USA? If I remember getting into Canada is pretty easy it is just the getting back that they can give us trouble...

I would be pissed if I couldn't get back in... as Iam sure would anyone else. (lol2)
I croosed the canada boarder about a month ago in VT, the way in was a breeze... the y way back into the states they ripped my car apart and gave me and my friend a hard time. I had nothin illegal on me so i wasnt worried, just annoyed by the guards.

i have been to Canada at least 10 times and all i ever needed was a drivers license. If you aren't a citezen bring proper paper work, you'll need it to get back into the states.
hmmm well when we cross into the us we bring our passports.. i'm pretty sure they'll require something of the same magnitude from you at cdn customs. also when we cross back into canada.. passports are also shown... i dunno if this is an absolute thing.. before a license and other id were ok.. but's just easier with them (passports.)

hope that helps. look forward to meetin new peeps and seeing old faces.
theoretically you need a passport or id such as drivers license and birth certificate. you dont always need it but sometimes they'll get grumpy about it.
I've been up plenty of times since WWU, is about less than 20 miles from it. Basically, i'll take you guys through the truck border because they are a little more nicer there. You are going to need two items of id, like Paul said. I just bring up my driver's license and a birth certificate.
does the birth cert. have to be original or is it ok just to have a copy? I have a valid passport, but I am not sure what exactly my sibs. have...

Thanks for the info
From what I know about it too you only need your passport if you have one. IF you don't have a passport make sure you have your birth certificate. I went up there with only my drivers license and it took much longer since I had to park and go into the Canadian Immigrations office to make sure I was lagit. So only thing I could say is if someone doesn't have a passport or birth certificate that they should fall back in the line of cars so that way maybe they'll just move along all the mazdas. That's what's been the case for NIV, RYAN and MATT's crew.

You need a passport (just in case).
I drive to Vancouver quite often. From my experience, if you want to have a swift and smooth pass at the border, roll down all your car windows and have the dome light turned-on if you cross the border after dark. This will ensure you a smooth pass, atleast for me for the past 20 or 30 times I cross the border.
Hey niv, or any BC guys, Would you recommend all of us hit the same line? we'll prolly have a little over a dozen cars coming up. Just wondering what works smoothest?