Blackberry or iPhone?

i'd say if android interests you wait until spring to see what other hardware uses it. i don't know if i'd go as far as garbage but android is certainly the selling point, not the hardware.

words on hardware from ex product manager:

full review of the phone

The G1 phone and the Android operating system are not finished products. There are only three working Google Apps here—Gmail, Maps and Calendar—while Google Docs, Google News, Google Reader, Google Shopping, Google Images, Google Video, Blogger and Picasa are nowhere to be found. What's the deal?

We have high hopes for third-party coders to fill in gaps Google intentionally or unintentionally left in this OS. There's already a video player, and we're sure VLC will try and port some kind of version over. But your question is not whether the phone will be great down the line, it's whether or not it's good enough for you to buy it now.

The answer depends most on who you are. Despite all the UI quirks and bad design decisions, it's still better than other smartphone OSes out there. It's not perfect, but for people who like tinkering, its cons are outweighed by its pros such as Gmail and the Marketplace. Hopefully Android updates and more ports of Google apps will augment not just future phones but this one too. This isn't something you're going to give your mom for Christmas, but if you're an adventuresome gadget guy with some money to spend ($179) on a totally new, pretty exciting venture, then why not?

though some of the complaints have already been addressed in their app store and there are also plenty of rumors of things like full scale flash coming to the phone so it's not all bad. if you're set on an android phone i'd still say wait a few months
I have the Blackberry 8830 World Edition, and have not had a single problem with it. Once you change browsers to Opera mini, it's pretty awesome.
The iPhone is obviously lacking a couple key features. No expandable memory, video recording, or MMS, however, who needs MMS when you have email and internet access? Who needs expandable memory when you have 16GB built in, and honestly, even when I had video recording on my phone, I never used it. I barely use it on my digital camera... To me, the most significant downside of the iphone is 2 handed operation. You can't really do a lot of what you need to do efficiently with one hand, but the same is mostly true of most touchscreen phones.

There is more software available for the iPhone than anything else on the market, and the OS is seamless. That right there sells it for me.

I'm an MIS grad, and probably the only one to grad from my school in quite a while with a MAC and no windows machine (I now have a crappy windows laptop for work)... I SWEAR by OS X, so for me being able to take it with me is great.
however, who needs MMS when you have email and internet access?
people who talk to others whose phones don't have email?

There is more software available for the iPhone than anything else on the market, and the OS is seamless. That right there sells it for me.
is that true? there is a ton of S60 stuff and it's been around a lot longer. granted in this country it's not that big so most people don't even know it exists. i do agree that the iphone OS and the app store are very nice mobile entries. somehow fix a keyboard on that thing and it'll be worth suffering through using itunes. until then i wait for android's app store and hardware to catch up
What's wrong with their touchscreen? And what a horrible review of the G1...very biased and not really fair.
I'm not gonna lie that site is pretty biased. But it is true the BB Storm's touchscreen is crap. I don't care how VZW wants to market it or BB, the point of a touchscreen is to eliminate the buttons, not make a giant ass one with only one spot where it picks up your "clicks."
Has anyone had any experience with the BB Bold? Seems like the major complaint from that review is that the screen is scratch-prone.
Recovering BB user. Found peace with the iPhone

Or something else? I'm in the market for a high-quality cell phone right now and need someone to convince me. Right now I'm leaning towards the Blackberry Bold. I would go with the new Storm but it seems a major complaint is that the performance is sluggish. Not sure I could deal with that.

I love my iPhone 3G and to those who think it's for the casual user, they haven't used one. I use mine for work and personal and it easily syncs with both my personal and work Outlook accounts, both Calendars and Mail. I had a BB and it was horrible as a web browser (iPhone tramples it with respect to web browsing) and the USB connection failed 3 times. Annoying since one of the reasons I went with a BB was becasue of their so called reliability. I also found BB mail to be mediocre at best. FOlders always got out of wack via the BB server and calendars were constantly wrong. Upgraded firmware etc to no avail. Part of it may have been due to Verizon, who are the ABSOLUTE worst with respect to customer service- at least on the east coast.

The iPhone is an example of a very well-executed product designed for human beings. Add in the fact that Apple is smart enough to offer an open development platform. So what if it doesn't copy/paste and so what if you can't edit Word docs out of the box. Just go up to the iTunes and do a search and you'll find a number of apps from a number of sharp people that will fill the void.

Of course the iPhone isn't perfect. Battery life is nowhere as long as the BB is. Even then it's nothing a couple of charge stations can't solve. I'm actually looking to buy a Kuda system to integrate into my MS3.

FYI I tried out the BB storm this past weekend and have to say I was unimpressed. The click screen is a joke and the fact that Verizon disabled Wi-Fi so you're forced to use their network just makes me happier that I got away from that evil empire. FYI at least in my area I've found AT&T service to be excellent both from a reception and customer service point of view.
dont forget you have to look at pricing plans, Sprint has one of the cheapest network plans, and their new phone, it slips my mind at the moment, is hell nice, but i didn't need the network plan so i switched back to verizon when my deal was up...
Hey now, just because I bought an iPhone doesn't mean I think it's better than my WinMo phones. I liked my Tilt (and still have it) and the only reason I got a new phone is because I was absolutely fed up with att sending me out refurbed bad phones that broke 2 days into me having them when it was their fault that my original Tilt broke. Att sucks ass with customer service and replacing your phone when you have an issue with one that works. That's one reason why I went with an iPhone, att isn't where you go if you have a problem. You go to apple. I'm not sure if that's better but att sucks more ass than apple in my book. With apple you can also get an extended warranty to 2 years rather than just one. Also something I wish I could've done to att with my Tilt since it was one year in when my first one was bricked courtesy of att.

I don't think he was right for saying that iPhone's are better, because they're not, but they are slowly...very slowly getting up there. Technically they aren't even a smartphone since true smartphones have an open development platform right out of the box and you don't have to hack them to get good programs that must be passed through apple for them to even be greenlighted for public consumption. Honestly, it took apple what? Like 2 years to make the "OSX" on the iPhone an open development platform? 2 years takes too long for something to become a smartphone. It's not a smartphone and most likely never will be but that doesn't mean that it isn't good at what it does.
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I have large hands

The iPhone is obviously lacking a couple key features.... To me, the most significant downside of the iphone is 2 handed operation. You can't really do a lot of what you need to do efficiently with one hand, but the same is mostly true of most touchscreen phones.

So I actually find it easy to perform a lot of iPhone functions with one hand. I did the same when I had a BB. Of course your own experience may vary dependingon hand size. :)
I currently have the blackberry 8330 Curve which is a fantastic phone. I just ordered the blackberry storm which should come in a week or so. I guess it really comes down to what you use it for. Blackberry kills when it comes to email especially corporate email. I generally get the email faster on my blackberry than I do on my laptop. As a business phone I would say that BB is unbeatable. I think the storm will offer the same features I like in the iphone but with the proven technology (email, etc) that I expect from blackberry.
Uhhh What about Google Talk? That's another program right there. And besides the rest works well on the internet. Google video? There's Youtube. Picasa would be cool but I have a real camera I use most of the time anyway and the onboard app works fine. I agree that they have some work to do, but there's too much negative talk here. This is their first phone period and for the price I think it's worth it. At least they mentioned they're likely to get an official release of flash soon which is something Apple cannot say about the iPhone.

i'd say if android interests you wait until spring to see what other hardware uses it. i don't know if i'd go as far as garbage but android is certainly the selling point, not the hardware.

words on hardware from ex product manager:

full review of the phone

The G1 phone and the Android operating system are not finished products. There are only three working Google Apps here—Gmail, Maps and Calendar—while Google Docs, Google News, Google Reader, Google Shopping, Google Images, Google Video, Blogger and Picasa are nowhere to be found. What's the deal?

We have high hopes for third-party coders to fill in gaps Google intentionally or unintentionally left in this OS. There's already a video player, and we're sure VLC will try and port some kind of version over. But your question is not whether the phone will be great down the line, it's whether or not it's good enough for you to buy it now.

The answer depends most on who you are. Despite all the UI quirks and bad design decisions, it's still better than other smartphone OSes out there. It's not perfect, but for people who like tinkering, its cons are outweighed by its pros such as Gmail and the Marketplace. Hopefully Android updates and more ports of Google apps will augment not just future phones but this one too. This isn't something you're going to give your mom for Christmas, but if you're an adventuresome gadget guy with some money to spend ($179) on a totally new, pretty exciting venture, then why not?

though some of the complaints have already been addressed in their app store and there are also plenty of rumors of things like full scale flash coming to the phone so it's not all bad. if you're set on an android phone i'd still say wait a few months
I guess the real lesson here is that there's definitely a lot of preference when it comes to phones but I just had to argue against the G1 being garbage when my opinion is it's a good start.
i agree that it is a good start but i'd rather buy something that's just good, not a good start. i say wait until the next round of hardware comes out for android. by that time developers will have had enough time to play around and make some cool apps and the hardware will be better than the current version.
Well I ended up going with the BB Bold. I must say it is a sharp looking device. Haven't really delved into all the features yet but I will be soon.

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