Tanginamo425 said:
you might want to ask the BC guys, because I've only been there for late night sushi. Thats about it.
I've never been there myself.. but i'll ask on our board
Hey Mike,
I'm over in Prague for vacation, and shockingly enough it is TOO long of a vacation. I can't wait to get back to America. The only reason for that is because I ventured over here for 1 month on my own... and I don't know anyone over here and I don't speak Czech very well.... but I'm adapting.. NINE MORE DAYS BABY!@!!!

About Sushi I might have to pass on that because of the funds.. I don't have a job right now so money is a bit tight. Secondly I had a "BAD" experience with Sushi and I think i'm scared for life.

Has anyone set a time on the 22nd and a place to meet up for the MASS cruise up to Canada.. It's going to be wild rollin' up there in a mass group. Word of wisdom that NIV or MATT might be able to give us is that the speed limit is your friend. Last time the Canada fellas came down I got news once they got back up that two of them got pulled over for speeding.. not fun. Look forward to more info... later from Prague.


maximumimpact said:
Hey hey Chris! What kind of business are you doing?

I'm down for sushi. Like I said, I gotta be at work the next day, so I'm out for late night sushi. Any details on costs during the daytime, Anthony?
Chris, the time is 6am, at the Barnes and Noble (or the Starbucks across the street from Best Buy) in Lynnwood. Leaving that spot at 6:30.
(details quoted from link below)

* For all the southend people, meet at Barnes and Noble (or the Starbucks across from Best Buy) in Lynnwood at around 6:00am, so it gives us time to wait just in case people are late.
* Leave at about 6:30am to head to the Burlington area; should take us about 45 min or so. Meet Rob (and hopefully some of the RainState guys and others)at about 7:15am, probably at the McDonalds that's just off of I-5.
* Leave at about 7:30am to head up to Bellingham for some IHOP; should take us about 20-30 min, so we should get there at around 8:00am.
* Eat at IHOP; should take at least an hour and a half, depending on how many people are cruising up and how many are eating.
* Leave IHOP at about 9:30am, then get to the border by 10:00am. Takes about 20 min to get there from Bellingham, then takes another 20-30min to arrive around the Richmond area.

Here's the list of people meeting at the Lynnwood location:
Hey guys, I think I will go to Vancouver on Saturday and stay overnight there then go to the meet on Sunday.
Driving up there on Sunday morning is OK for me actually, but not for my wife and a friend of mine that I am going to bring along.

Hey Paul, what channel are you going to use on your walky radio?
Since I am going to be driving up to BC with the group, I want to use that radio to find you guys at the meet.
misbehave said:
Hey guys, I think I will go to Vancouver on Saturday and stay overnight there then go to the meet on Sunday.
Driving up there on Sunday morning is OK for me actually, but not for my wife and a friend of mine that I am going to bring along.

Hey Paul, what channel are you going to use on your walky radio?
Since I am going to be driving up to BC with the group, I want to use that radio to find you guys at the meet.
Heyman, umm, looks like we might be switching up frequncies a bit. I for one would like to push for something below 7 because thatway any gmrs-only radios will be able to communicate without having to figure out what channel they need to matchup, plus any frs/gmrs radios will have more power in those ranges.

At anyrate, you might wanna give one of us a call in the morning.
Poseur said:
Heyman, umm, looks like we might be switching up frequncies a bit. I for one would like to push for something below 7 because thatway any gmrs-only radios will be able to communicate without having to figure out what channel they need to matchup, plus any frs/gmrs radios will have more power in those ranges.

At anyrate, you might wanna give one of us a call in the morning.
Sure, I think I have both Chris and Mike's cell numbers.
509 961 7887

There's also a list of everyone's up in that alderwood mall meeting thread.
the linking to the bcmazda site sometimes is whacky.. but m@ has put up a post with a map on it. on the mazda madness thread. :)
niv said:
the linking to the bcmazda site sometimes is whacky.. but m@ has put up a post with a map on it. on the mazda madness thread. :)
awww heck, i'll just post it here.. lol

M@ said:

it is the only thing out there... AND we will have signs up on the westminister Hwy as well...

7111 No. 8 Road
Richmond, BC V6W 1L9

anddddddd the building looks like this (cool)


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well as long as my car is done i will be their. still not done.... hey maxium how did the meet with rainstate go?
well i am not going to be able to attend this show since my car is still in the shop. so have fun and i am hoping to meet up with everybody soon!!
Hey man, wanna roll up with us anyway? I'm sure someone could make arrangements somehow to come grab you. Hey, also, you don't happen to know anyone with a a spare amp do you? anything'd work, I just blew my ****** monoblock again.
bad news

well heres the deal, like I said I am geting my ae lip and grill painted, was hoping in time for the show, so I call the guy today I am getting it done through and he is like, uhhh ummm, what time do u leave tomorrow(4AM)oh well the paint shop is closed already and isnt open sunday, and the only guy with a key just went on vacation basically not only is my stuff not done, my gas lid which i gave them to color match the paint is locked in with the lip and grill, which means I wouldnt have a friggin gas filler cover for my car for this trip.

I am trying to see what I can do about geeting some sort of replacement, hell i as gonna have DG overnight me a CF cover I would just mock into the space but it is too late.

argh, i would hate to drive that much and have my car at a show with no cover for the gas.

Ill be around the rest of the day trying to get this sorted out, dont want to let this stop me from coming so I am still gonna try to make it to the best buy tomorrow morning. more to come...
hey poseur i would roll up anyway but.... i am car less and i highly doubt anybody would want to drive to whidbey to pick me up..... so probally not.