Attempting to wire stock nav. screen for power, external video

Still unable to get this working properly. For whatever reason, with +12V and proper grounding, its not working. However, when I put -12V to several of the terminals, it closes and then pulses periodically. I'm not sure at this point what is going on.

It may run through a data line. Most of these type of units use data to turn on and off, could even just be a simple 6V like ford amps. Mitchels is probably the best solution.
if I get a chance steve I will see if i can find a mitchels doc for this unit. What year and model is the nav actually for?
I believe its for a 2007 Mz6. Thanks for the help Jinx. I can't seem to find any info on a possible data link or other control voltage, so it's been sitting in the garage for now.
I believe its for a 2007 Mz6. Thanks for the help Jinx. I can't seem to find any info on a possible data link or other control voltage, so it's been sitting in the garage for now.

At least you have a garage...

*cuts self* 18 more months...
If anyone can provide additional tech. info for this unit, I'd be extremely grateful. I'm flying blind here.