Anyone else into Bodybuilding / Weightlifting?

The key to getting big is not going to Grad school. I started Chiro College at 200lbs with a 315 bench, 300 close grip bench, 500 squat, and 18 1/4 in arms. Now I'm 160lbs and on a good day I can get 275 bench and I'm pretty sure I don't have a squat anymore. I do feel much lighter and quicker when I play sports which isn't bad since thats about all I do anymore. But for anyone wanting to get big there's only 2 things you need to know: Diet and consistency getting in the gym.
I have been lifting for about 12 years now. I started went I was 16 and I'm 29 now. I'm 5'-4" and weigh 163 now. The best I have benched before has been 330, 305 on the incline bench, 275 squat and not sure how much it is but have done six 45 pound plate on each side of the sled. I have done a few bench competitions and won a couple, but the hardest bench competition I did was were you had to pause the bar on your chest and then press it up.
LinuxRacr said:
Where's WShade?
For any of you that don't know WShade, HE'S HUGE! He's a body builder, and he is very massive.
I have been lifting for about 12 years now. I started went I was 16 and I'm 29 now. I'm 5'-4" and weigh 163 now. The best I have benched before has been 330, 305 on the incline bench, 275 squat and not sure how much it is but have done six 45 pound plate on each side of the sled. I have done a few bench competitions and won a couple, but the hardest bench competition I did was were you had to pause the bar on your chest and then press it up.
305 on incline is crazy! I hate incline and I suck at it. I've also been i one of those bench competitions, and I hate them. I never bounce the bar off my chest, but to stop, then press causes you to lose all your momentum. So to me, I really don't think that is a legitimate competition. What squat competition do you know of that makes you pause at the bottom with 800lbs on your back, then stand up with it. That's just crazy, and so is the bench competition. I'll never compete in one of those again.
Well....incline and decline is very important if you're trying to achieve overall strenght and balance. It makes me think of some guys at the gym who almost only train their biceps and shoulders. Big shoulders and biceps make you look big through shirts........but ask 'em to do anything else than that (like bench pressing) and they look pretty stupid.

By training every part of your body, once a week, and alternating between incline, decline, etc, it takes you longer to get that mass you want but once you get there, you're strong!
The only bad thing is that any national powerlifting competiton has the pause rule. I don't think you have to pause when you squat, I think you have to go parrallel to the floor and then come back up. If you had to pause when you squat I don't think to many people would be squating what they do. I'm with you Big Ben I like the touch and go bench competitions, espically the ones that don't let people use those bench shirts.
I just hate incline with a barbell. I use dumbells only for incline and decline. I also hate the incline bench because none of them fit me. Since I'm short, I have to basically stand up while leaning back on the bench, then pick up the weight, then slide down. After all that, I can't do heavy weight. Mainly because the whole time the thought of "how in the hell m I going to get this weight back on the rack" is going through my head instead of concentrating on the weight.

And the decline bench, please, I can't even hardly reach the weight after I wrap my legs around the end of the bench and put my feet under the restraint.:D

So I just skip that all together and simply use the free benches with dumbells.
The only bad thing is that any national powerlifting competiton has the pause rule. I don't think you have to pause when you squat, I think you have to go parrallel to the floor and then come back up. If you had to pause when you squat I don't think to many people would be squating what they do. I'm with you Big Ben I like the touch and go bench competitions, espically the ones that don't let people use those bench shirts.
I agree about the bench shirts. I have used them in the past though. They do really protect you while doing heavy weight, but they add up to 50lbs on your max. And that's not an accurate measure of strength. I've also used the squat suit before. Those things are so tight that I probably won't be able to have kids now.:D
I have been into bodybuilding since high school when my bible was Arnold bodybuilding encyclopedia, after high school I stopped an started on the beer 40oz diet which made me grow in the waist no I have been in the gym steady for 5 months I tried hydroxcycut for 2 1/2 months lost 20 pounds and brought my energy back up now I weight 181 and I am 5'6.

Bench press 250lbs 5sets of 12,10,8,6,4

Decline press 175lbs 4sets 12,10,8,6,4

Incline press 135lbs 5sets 10,

If you really want to know my whole workout let me know. I also just started going to the gym at 5am every morning before going to work and it's hard getting up that early but I am doing good.

nah creatine aint like steroids, if you want legal steroids take andro products, animal test anything like that. I dont recommmend any of that s*** though. Hey youll have hair growing from funny spots and your balls will get small.YEAAHHH ... anyway..... i really stress L-Glutamine , expecially if youve been working out for years, your body uses it all up and you need to put more back in.
I go on and off and have for years...what usually happens is I work out for a year and get in great shape (I have a home gym and I eat high fiber high protein)...then I meet some girl and stop working out because I get too happy and don't have time. Then I get semi-out of shape, and any lack of getting laid sends me back into my routine. I can generally last a year and a half without working out while still appearing to be in shape, then I start get soft.

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