Any photographers in here?

This is what I came up with:

Event Pricing
$25 per hours (minimum 2 hour fee)
$40 per hour over 6 hours
$20 for CD set including all raw images taken at event.
$5 per extra CD with select Images
$15 per extra CD set with all event images

Extra Service:
$25 fee for logo addition to all photos (in appropriate positions)
$25 fee for limited post processing desired (cropping, boarders, quality adjustments and other light duty adjustments)
$50 fee for any heavy post processing desired (exposure adjustment, item removal, background change)

not many pro photographers grant their clients access to raw images. i personally wouldnt for two reasons. first, you dont want them post processing all you shots and making them look worse, possibly hurting your name as a photographer. two, most people dont even know what raw is, and they'll just be confused when the images are two large to email to family, or put up online.
I wouldn't give out RAW images. Then people would be able to see what the REAL images looked like. At most, I'd give high res jpg files. I probably wouldn't even do that.
Oh! I forgot to mention. The above photo was taken with my new lens. Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM.
My bad. By raw I mean no post processing at all. Just the images off the camera converted to jpeg. Maybe some automated saturation adjustments, but no specialized post processing.
a good friend of mine came to me about a week or two ago and has asked me to do his wedding pictures! Since I've known him for almost 15 years, I gave him a huge discount and made a deal with him. Since I have yet to buy my nice flash, I told him if he gave me the money to buy my flash, bracket, flash cord and flash diffuser, I'd do the pictures. I was thinking of the Canon 430EX so that would be about 360 bucks through adorama. I may say screw it and go ahead and get the 530 instead. After typing this out, I realized maybe I should get a battery grip too.
Iamhollywood: consider a little bit of smoothing on her face, and a little bit of fill in the last one. Great pics though!