Another Ghetto Parking Lot Fight (vid)

holy s***

what a bunch of ******* niggers

i wonder why the dude wanted him to move so badly? jesus ****** christ
Man **** that stupid motherfucker.

Not being racist, but as others have pointed out...there are reasons that stereotypes exist.

If I was in the car being told to move (driver or passenger) and that guy took a swing, I would have put one in his face and took my chances with the rest rushing (would have emptied the mag) and the court systems for manslaughter.

**** those people, they honestly need to be shot and killed. **** them, worthless waste of oxygen.
This is a prime example of a waster of oxygen. This doesnt only happen with black people so I cant even say anything about that..its just the mentality of some people thinking their "hard"..they think they can just do whatever because they feel like..why did they even want the guy move, and why wouldnt you just move...Id move..unless I had a nine in my glove box or something.

But seriously when the guy asked me Id have just backed up and then forward real quickly..making sure all my doors were locked though..stupid people should be shoton site.
What bothers me is that this waste-of-life could have just said, "Hey man, is there any way I could ask you to move your car?" But noooo, the brother has ghettify himself even more than he already is, by saying, "Are you gonna move dat car or wut?' or whatever the **** he said. It's so freakin' typical. To top it all off, he keeps calling this guy "Nigger." Hello dumbass, you are disrespecting your self and others. Moron....
MiaTurbo said:
You know, I hate to say it, but s*** like this just adds to the stereotype of young black men in a negative fashion..

I was going to say the same thing, and you always see people complaining about the "stereotyping" of black youth... hmm I wonder where it comes from???
What the hell happend in that video?

All I saw was some guy telling a car to backup. Then a bunch of fighting, then some guy smashes a second car's rear window and gets his ribs busted and robbed. It's dark and they all look the same.
winty87 said:
In texas cant you shoot somebody for trespassing?

Yeah if somebody breaks into your house and is robbing you and you shoot them they can sue and they will most likely win and not go to jail for breaking into your house...WEAK.
Deadly force to protect property much less your life. In short he would have been dead.
yep, finally had a chance to watch it......from the way some people act, I expected nothing less. Some people should just be removed from the earth...
well i hate to say but i do hate black people that think that they are the best, if that happen to me i will fight back and probably killed him , It happen to me once: i was driving by sunrise here in florida , there were a traffic jam LOL then i saw a group of 5 black men and they all start to move my car damm i thought i was going to get robbed well then a stupid one hit with a rock one of my windows in my msp and guess what they broke it , damm i took my phone called the cops and they came fast and they cought them all to jail and they pay my car windows jajjaaja before that my friend beat one of them i hate people like that so much .
And once again, punctuation surrenders.

spike blue said:
well i hate to say but i do hate black people that think that they are the best, if that happen to me i will fight back and probably killed him , It happen to me once: i was driving by sunrise here in florida , there were a traffic jam LOL then i saw a group of 5 black men and they all start to move my car damm i thought i was going to get robbed well then a stupid one hit with a rock one of my windows in my msp and guess what they broke it , damm i took my phone called the cops and they came fast and they cought them all to jail and they pay my car windows jajjaaja before that my friend beat one of them i hate people like that so much .
I am a young black professional. I am proud to be black and I am proud of my accomplishments in life. However, when I see the video I am ashamed that those men in the video would say the same about themselves. I am also ashamed to see how little they value human life that they joke about what appears to be a very serious injury.

While I don't want to get into a debate about the validity of the term "nigger" I will say that the acts in the video were pretty despicable. The guy on the ground was definitely "****** up" with a partially-obstructed airway to say the least.

The only saving grace is that like all things....what goes around, comes around. I have no doubt that at some time, the people in that video will get what is coming to them.


This has got to be the most disturbing thing i have ever seen. WTF? Is this an african tribesman proving his manhood?or a wild ******* ape claiming his mighty qwikie mart? Not being a racist person, this s*** makes me wanna hit the "n" word button. Rainman....please try to spread your humanity and civility to your fellow "brothers"...'cause this s*** is unreal. (protest)
Rainman said:
The only saving grace is that like all things....what goes around, comes around. I have no doubt that at some time, the people in that video will get what is coming to them.

Hey guy, you gotta be hella tough to punch someone while they are still trapped in their car seat. Duh.
whats really stupid is that they where recording this!!!!

so now the courts have evedence...morrons!!! That guy that got beaten and robs just became an instant millionare! and now basicaly owns the other guys SUV.

The Gene pool needs more bleach!!!
fkmitsu said:
yep, Some people should just be removed from the earth...

Nope thats not the solution.....drop there ass off in Bin Laden county overseas....I would rather my tax paying dollars be spent better....haul there ass off with a one way ticket.....that would straighten those fuckers up....


The US Congress pass a new law.....

Convicted murderer and deathrow inmates have been giving the opportunity to express themself freely with there weapon of choice...just not on American soil.....President said troops will be coming home while being replaced by convicted inmates from the prison system......"Where trying to clean up house" said the President about the new law.. " What better troops to send in there than the troops that like to kill others" in this way america would be fighting the war on terrorism without increasing the nations $$$$$...and reduce crime(laugh)
