ANOTHER Broken motor mount........ Its my turn

NOpe just waiting on mazda to do there thing.
I have since drove my car at the track and installed a CAI. I also don't drive the car any easier. I'm actually waiting for the mount to break again. If it doesn't GREAT. If it does GREAT!

Overall i still love the car.
I am actually new to the forum here and am seriously considering purchasing this MS3. I love the look, design and performance, but this engine mount thing is serioulsy hampering my decision to purchase.

First off, I went to Smithtown Mazda dealership (Long Island, NY) and the sales person had heard of only one issue with engine mounts, yet he did not know anything about a TSB being officially published to all Mazda dealerships.

So, if anyone actually gets a recall letter, can you please attach it to this thread of forum? Thanks
jweidler_1130 said:
I am actually new to the forum here and am seriously considering purchasing this MS3. I love the look, design and performance, but this engine mount thing is serioulsy hampering my decision to purchase.

First off, I went to Smithtown Mazda dealership (Long Island, NY) and the sales person had heard of only one issue with engine mounts, yet he did not know anything about a TSB being officially published to all Mazda dealerships.

So, if anyone actually gets a recall letter, can you please attach it to this thread of forum? Thanks

Don't let the mount scare you away from buying a ms3. It isn't a very widespread problem, maybe less than 20/5000. I went ahead and got the AWR rear mount from protege garage and it is so much stiffer than the stock mount and is less than $90. I don't have to worry about the stock mount any more :)
Kosh said:
Don't let the mount scare you away from buying a ms3. It isn't a very widespread problem, maybe less than 20/5000. I went ahead and got the AWR rear mount from protege garage and it is so much stiffer than the stock mount and is less than $90. I don't have to worry about the stock mount any more :)

The rear mount/bolt is not what breaks, it's the side mount located under the battery. Currently there's no aftermarket side mount available from anyone. Does replacing the rear mount help, maybe so.
M3_Zoom said:
The rear mount/bolt is not what breaks, it's the side mount located under the battery. Currently there's no aftermarket side mount available from anyone. Does replacing the rear mount help, maybe so.
Yes replacing the rear mount helps. We will have a fix for the side mount in 4 to 6 weeks. There will also be a saftey support that comes with it in the case of a failure to keep the motor from falling on the drive axles. Here are some pics of our rear mounts. Solid mounts are shown below and the filled mounts are listed here They both have similar added vibes sent to the cabin but the solid mounts cut wheel hop to almost zero. It takes a while to get use to the vibration but after a week I didn't even notice it.

The rear mount keeps the motor from rocking and its the rocking that snaps the bolt. Reduce the rocking and you will have much more life out of the bolt. Cutting down the rubber lip on the stock mount is a very good thing to do as well.


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Ahh man this scares me. I wont be touching any mounts not made by Mazda intended to fix any such problem of mount failures. I can just imagine an after market mount resulting in all that damage that now comes out of my own pocket.
ptperformance said:
Yes replacing the rear mount helps. We will have a fix for the side mount in 4 to 6 weeks. There will also be a saftey support that comes with it in the case of a failure to keep the motor from falling on the drive axles. Here are some pics of our rear mounts. Solid mounts are shown below and the filled mounts are listed here They both have similar added vibes sent to the cabin but the solid mounts cut wheel hop to almost zero. It takes a while to get use to the vibration but after a week I didn't even notice it.

The rear mount keeps the motor from rocking and its the rocking that snaps the bolt. Reduce the rocking and you will have much more life out of the bolt. Cutting down the rubber lip on the stock mount is a very good thing to do as well.
i would like to see the side would be the first to have a solution and this is the mount that fails causing the motor to fall according to the master mechanic at my dealer
Oh, My Sweet Jesus. This motor mount destroying everything "Thing" would totally **** up my entire week. I hope this is a proper TSB that fixes in the near future.
whitey4311 said:
Ahh man this scares me. I wont be touching any mounts not made by Mazda intended to fix any such problem of mount failures. I can just imagine an after market mount resulting in all that damage that now comes out of my own pocket.
Yes because mazda mounts are THE BEST!!!

People need to take an anti-paranoia pill
Jesse MS3GT said:
Yes because mazda mounts are THE BEST!!!

People need to take an anti-paranoia pill

Not the best but under warranty is what matters.

Dont think for a second I would buy a mount even knowing it was better unless that company will be responsible for the repairs should anything happen. I would rather a stock mount go out and take it to the dealer then to replace anything in there with after market and be up the creek if it also failed.

Warranty the mount and I will buy one.

Better yet I will leave it alone and just drive my car since it seems to be just fine. Unless I read on here about the few incidents I would never have known about this nor worried about it so I think I will continue on in that manner.

What ever happened to the recall in Japan and that not making its way over here?
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ptperformance said:
The rear mount keeps the motor from rocking and its the rocking that snaps the bolt. Reduce the rocking and you will have much more life out of the bolt. Cutting down the rubber lip on the stock mount is a very good thing to do as well.

You really notice it the first time you drive with the new stiffer mount. The stock mount is so soft you really notice it between shifts. The engine really moves up there and I see why the stock mount can fail under that much stress.

If I replace my rear motor mount with the AWR mount and my side mount breaks do you think Mazda would not cover it under warrenty? They would still have to prove that the AWR mount caused the side mount to fail and since it has been shown to fail on its own with the stock rear mount I think they would have a hard time making an argument.
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the replacement munts so far are lowers. the mount breaking is the upper one!!
some people have gone to the delaerships with broken mounts with replacements lowers a su mount. dealer said nothing and still fixed everythign!

but i have read about maybee 20 cases we know of world wide. and there are 5000 ms3 in us. and 12000 world wide.
so hearing about 20 give maybee more! even if 100 broke out of 12000 thats still pretty good odds!!! its under warranty so well its taken care of. still drive mine hard t times and shift at 6000 slam the next gear not lettign off gas. Idrive it!
I love seeing all this "dealerships has to prove it". They dont have to prove s*** to give you the biggest hassel of your life by telling you otherwise. Sure maybe challenge them for months on end and get yourself a lawyer and see it if will get fixed on their coin and use that blah blah act/law people talk about. Sounds like a good idea to me since they have to PROVE to you why they will void any said warranty.

I think it pretty simple and reasonable to say replacing one of the 3 mounts would have some impact on the other 2 and it wouldnt be too far fetched to blame the failure on that.

I am not against modifications but I think those who choose to put all this TMIC, BOV, tranny mounts, ECU flashes, should accept that they no longer have a warranty and deal with it. Just mod it if you want but dont try to figure out if its under warranty later when something fails due to the mods.
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Ya blah blah laws are a joke aren't they? Good thing we don't really have to follow them they are just there to give us some hope. If you think as a consumer you have no rights then you don't deserve to have any of those rights.
No joke but its seems many fall back on this "dealership has to prove" thing via this or that law/act. How easy do you really thing that process is going to be and how worth would it be to mod something knowing this then deal with all the s*** fire that could come with it.

Just upgrade to your hearts content then fix your own failures is all I am saying. Personally I dont want to mod s*** and pay to have failures repaired or challenge the laws I would rather take it in and say WTF this failed and have it fixed free of charge.
I respect your opinion. Keep your car stock and it is still a great car. I agree with the 'you change it you fix it' philosophy but I don't agree with the dealer gets to screw you because you don't have any consumer rights.

Not saying they won't try to screw you over but who knows, maybe the dealer will agree and say the mount is defective and help you with any problems that arise from the failed mount. But I'm not worried about my mount at all. Every car on the market has some in its production that have failures. It is only a handful of mounts causing problems and I'm not going to loose any sleep over it :)
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