All about linuxracer

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[ immature personal attack deleted by enry, use email or phone next time ]

Linuxracer, wake up and change the attitude boyfriend.

[ Note to all users: Do not use this forum as a graffiti board or means to immature ends. Jokes and teasing is fine, discussions are fine, but this is really not appropriate, not even in the flamewars forums ]
Sounds like your grapevine has some sour grapes. If you are trying to open some peoples eyes, how about the eyes of the girl you believe is getting s*** on. Spewing it here does nothing but waste good bandwith. I'll pass no permanent judgement on people until I meet them.
here here.....not to mention....why should we believe anything you have to say anyway.....we have certainly known him longer than you.....and to be honest...WE DON'T CARE! that is HIS business...NOT yours.
This is getting funny...This girl is trying so hard to make someone look so bad.
I am not trying to make this guy look bad. I just want everybody to know who he really is. You guys live your lives through a website, these are your "friends?" I just got on here to see how you guys are.

Linuxracer is a cool guy no doubt, hands downs, but there are things about him that just don't click, you know.

It's cool to have hobbies, ie cars, but when you obsess about it, it gets out of control.

I admit it..I do know this guy personally..I am on here to get you guys to pitch in and help me to get him to stop being so caught up in fixing up his car. His girl has to take care of the baby, she works two freaking jobs, and goes to school full-time. She is a cranky good-looking chic, but he needs to help her out.

So guys, the point is, email linuxracer and just tell him to ease off the car stuff and take care of personal stuff, like take her out instead of being on this website all the time.

give the girl a break, two jobs, school, a kid, she didn't ask for it, but she is trying to be responsible, I guess, and so should he.

Cars are fun but responsibilities must come first.

Sorry for all the slandering, just mad at irresponsibility (the verb)
I'm not going to tell someone else how to live their life. I don't expect anyone else to tell me, so I'm not telling anyone.

People make choices, they must then live with the consequences of those choices, whether they are good or bad.

And not to be to picky but, because this is printed (typed) word, it would be libel. However, there are no worries of a libel suit as long as the words are true. If they aren't, then there is something to worry about because you've already done at least two of the three of the things needed to make libel.

Sorry about being kind of a smart ass. I've been up for long time and am not to happy about having to stay over because someone doesn't show up on time. For perspective on this, re: "night shift sucks" written by me. I better shut up now.
asianhottie said:
I am not trying to make this guy look bad. I just want everybody to know who he really is. You guys live your lives through a website, these are your "friends?" I just got on here to see how you guys are.

Linuxracer is a cool guy no doubt, hands downs, but there are things about him that just don't click, you know.

It's cool to have hobbies, ie cars, but when you obsess about it, it gets out of control.

I admit it..I do know this guy personally..I am on here to get you guys to pitch in and help me to get him to stop being so caught up in fixing up his car. His girl has to take care of the baby, she works two freaking jobs, and goes to school full-time. She is a cranky good-looking chic, but he needs to help her out.

So guys, the point is, email linuxracer and just tell him to ease off the car stuff and take care of personal stuff, like take her out instead of being on this website all the time.

give the girl a break, two jobs, school, a kid, she didn't ask for it, but she is trying to be responsible, I guess, and so should he.

Cars are fun but responsibilities must come first.

Sorry for all the slandering, just mad at irresponsibility (the verb)
To be truthful...yes I do consider a lot of people including Linux to be my friend. Do I know any of them in real I don't, but the thing is that we talk on a daily basis, have common interests and try to help one another out. I've got real-life friends that I don't talk with that much so why wouldn't I consider some of the people here friends...just because we don't physically hang out?

You do make some good points about responsibility tho...everyone has them and it's also important to note tho that nobody is perfect. I spend 90% of my time on this board during the day while I'm at work, but I do obsess myself over it I guess.

I think the issue we have here is that it's not right to come on this board and criticize Linux. I will not email him...I think if what you are saying is true he'll be reading your posts and realize he needs to hang with his family more. It's obvious you know him in real life, so I think you should have perhaps just approached him directly about it, not come on here to embarrass him. I know personally I'm FAR from perfect and wouldn't want someone to come on this board to make me look bad even if it is for my own good as it were.

Regardless I believe Linux has heard your message do seem to have a interest in cars somewhat so I'd like to see some posts from you about that....we are always happy to see new posters in our community....just ease off on the personal stuff with Linux as it just creates a lot of tension.
Just for reference, I get on here to get info about a car. I couldn't give a crap if he is the worst boyfriend, father, grandfather, gaylover, or anything else to anyone else. If he has the answer to the car question I have, he's good in my book. If you need to know about peoples lives, go watch your soaps and leave info forums to people who use them as such.
tension is something this board DOES NOT NEED! yes, i too spend all my time on this forum, and i too obsess over my ride(who wouldn't, its a mp3!) my girl was pissed about it too, but i explained to her, that although it may be a time consuming and $$$eating hobby, it's MY hobby, and i can't change that. i think she understands better now(the car show opened her eyes,heehee) but anyway, back on, i will not email anyone and tell them not to hook up there car, or surf on the internet...because id be a huge hypocrit!
For all of you selfish people,
If you don't care about your site's friends and their lives, fine. Nobody wants your cold hearts anyways.

But this guy has a kid. If his kid can't eat because he bought a turbo, I think it's the car community he hangs with's responsibility to say,"hey man, can't that wait."

You guys probably don't understand and too shallow to understand anything but pistons and flywheels, no offense to those nice guys on this site who aren't rude to me.
Listen here frigidasianwench, you have an attitude problem and an issue with this guy that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with us. Don't bring your crap here and expect us to listen to your crap.
I don't care, and probably neither does anyone else on here about how you think he treats his woman. Right or wrong, it's their relationship, and if they are mature enough to have a kid, they should be mature enough to deal with their issues themselves. It's their issue, and if she doesn't like it, she can leave him just like millions of other women in this world do these days. What he spends his money on is his business. If he likes his car, chances are he'll be buying stuff for it.
Everything I have ever seen from him about his little one have been sweet, positive comments.
How 'bout you pack up your $hit and take the next train out of our forum, or ask a question about the car. Other than that, keep your personal crap to yourself.
Basically you are doing nothing but pissing people off right now, and you're doing nothing to make yourself look any more intelligent by rambling on and on about how self righteous and perfect you think your opinion is. PISS OFF! We don't need that crap here.
Let me set the record straight. If a kid is lacking necessary support, I will be the first in to help. But you need to look at your focus. We are not being rude or at least not trying to be. The only evidence we have is what you are telling us. Be realistic too. If it's a serious problem, you need to take it to someone that can do something about it. Like family, friends, employer, etc.... We come on this board to talk about cars, women and booz. What can we do about this situation? Nothing really. It's not going to change anything. Even if we wanted to it's not our place. Where is the girl? If she thinks it's a problem, why can't she speak for herself? Why doesn't she confront the situation and demand change? You are asking for help from a bunch of indifferent individuals. Why do you think that a bunch of people with the same interests as LinuxRacer are going to try to talk him out of doing the same things we all want to do? Bring me some evidence and I'll apoligize, call him a b**** and support your cause. Otherwise, deal with it locally. It will get you a lot further than this place will.
What did you expect? For us to degrade a fellow member when his personal life is none of our business.
We are not being mean to you on purpose. we are just trying to let you know that what your doing is not correct.
There are alot of ways you can go out and do this.
Posting his personal life on this board is not one of them.
If he needs counseling or proffesional help this is not the place your going to find it.
If you are really his friend find proffesional help...
people,people...this is bulls***! this chick comes on here talkin smack about our fellow member, for what? it does no good to try and argue with this chick. she's gonna just say how it's OUR responsibility to tell someone to stop what we all want to do...hookin up cars....that is just ludacrist to me, its absurd that we are sinking down to the level of a gossiper...jesus, i've been out of high school since 98 and that is just plain young s***. ok, so he's got a kid, and i SERIOUSLY DOUBT that ANYONE would let there kid "starve because he bought a turbo" get real or get out.

just my 7 cents!(usd)
Hey guys, we better start a counselling session with linux about how he should live his life. God forbid he post on here and not mention he doesn't pay enough attn to his gf, because its our business to know all of the members personal details right? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: need to stfu and leave the board. After reading like 4 different threads that you posted in, you contradict yourself and look like a totally cold-hearted bith in the process. your coming to the conclusion that

1: if we don't agree with you, we are shallow jackass pricks who would be horrible boyfriends,

2: we should be concerned for another members problems in his life and should try to set him/her straight if we don't agree with them

If i were a drug dealer, a murderer, etc. and posted on this board with very helpful information, would that mean i shouldn't be able to post here anymore? i don't think so.....this board is about MP3's and Protege5's, not relationships, how to live your life, blah blah blah

cliff notes: STFU b****!
I must agree with everybody else! STFU! get a shrink! you need major help!

derrick1623 said:
people,people...this is bulls***! this chick comes on here talkin smack about our fellow member, for what? it does no good to try and argue with this chick. she's gonna just say how it's OUR responsibility to tell someone to stop what we all want to do...hookin up cars....that is just ludacrist to me, its absurd that we are sinking down to the level of a gossiper...jesus, i've been out of high school since 98 and that is just plain young s***. ok, so he's got a kid, and i SERIOUSLY DOUBT that ANYONE would let there kid "starve because he bought a turbo" get real or get out.

just my 7 cents!(usd)
Two sided !!!

Ok well for you asianhottie this is my message to you. Mind your own business. Try that on for size. You are not going to achieve anything coming onto this board and simply bad mouthing a fellow member and friend. This website isn't about ethics nor values. It's about cars.

If you where a true friend to this girl you would be there for her not telling her what to do but to offer her support. Dont' go filling her head with BS and trying to make her see things that do no exist. She is in the relationship NOT YOU you make no mention of him threatning her, beating her nor forcing her to stay. She has her own choice to be there, even if all that you said was true. AS I thought most people wouldn't pass judgment on him based on only your statements. His life, his kid, his gf is none of our business if he choses to make post something regarding this on the board it's up to him not you. If the guy runs into problems we will be here. His life, his kid and his gf.... get a life of your own and take care of it..... not his...People like you are the reason my last relationship didn't work out.... I can see you are concerned but if you want people to listen your going about it the wrong way.... talk to him.. not us.. we are not the problem and dont' start blaming us if he buys a Turbo... he is a grown man that can make his own decisions... we are not holding a gun to his head telling him what to do... it's his thing....


It seems to me someone is concerned for your relationship. Just some friendly advice. Listen to what others have to say but do not act on it simply because someone else told you to. Make your own decisions and let it be at your own discretion. I have seen you post about the b-day party you had for her. Therefore I know you do care and love your daughter. It's a good thing sometimes to sit down and make sense of your life and see where things stand. Communication is the key my friend... keep the chanels open and talk talk talk... it's the best thing to keep something alive....

uhm where exactly is "linuxracer"? and i dont give a flying rat cr4p about his life, just as long as hes cool on this board hea' its cool with me. his life is HIS life, not mine. like woah! dont take it personal, but he sounds cool to me :cool:
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