Alarm shock sensor install, tough or


easy, has anone done this?. I forgot to add that into deal on the the wifes new 6i. Now I see it can be had for about $20 less than the dealer. Does this come with instructions ?. I'm guessing that it installs under the hood. Hopefully the car is pre-wired and it's just a matter snapping together some connectors and mounting it ????

Any help appreciated

The shock sensor is placed behind the carpet in the area behind the silver radio/HVAC panel (on the passenger side).

To install you need to:

- get behind the carpet
- splice a couple of wires (the wires are already there) and hook them up to the shock sensor
- tie-down the shock sensor (tie-downs come with the sensor)
- test it out for sensivity
- cover up the carpet

Edit: The sensor will come with complete instructions - I've seen them hence my general description above.

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