AEM Cold Air Intake

QUIKnEZ said:
I posted this previous under a different alias, I switched it up for good measure.


It's really nice.
<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#006699 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD class=body align=right colSpan=2>Handling:</TD><TD class=body align=right>$31.65 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

M3-GT said:
Anyone know the difference between:

AEM Short Ram Intake and AEM Cold Air Intake ?
A cold air intake usually goes into the wheel well to get 'colder' air.

a short ram intake has less bends and usually stays in the engine bay. The dispute between which is better (colder air vs more direct airflow) still exists to this day.
Dexter said:
A cold air intake usually goes into the wheel well to get 'colder' air.

a short ram intake has less bends and usually stays in the engine bay. The dispute between which is better (colder air vs more direct airflow) still exists to this day.
Ahh thanks! I know what you mean. In a place like Canada where's there's snow, rain part of the year, wouldn't it be better to have the short ram intake so that you don't get nasty stuff going into the intake because it's higher in the engine bay?
M3-GT said:
Ahh thanks! I know what you mean. In a place like Canada where's there's snow, rain part of the year, wouldn't it be better to have the short ram intake so that you don't get nasty stuff going into the intake because it's higher in the engine bay?

AEM intakes are 99.9% water proof, best intakes out there, I wouldn't worry about getting the cone dirty.
M3-GT said:
Here's another place it just popped up: at $188

"Available soon for your Mazda3, the AEM cold air intake system. Make a deposit and reserve yours today!"

Not long to wait, though:

"This product will be in stock on Wednesday 31 March, 2004"
goldwing2000 said:
"Available soon for your Mazda3, the AEM cold air intake system. Make a deposit and reserve yours today!"

Not long to wait, though:

"This product will be in stock on Wednesday 31 March, 2004"
That is just an estimated date, so far.
Dexter said:
That is just an estimated date, so far.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. I think I'll hold off on sending any money until they actually have some in stock. (boom06)
QUIKnEZ said:
AEM intakes are 99.9% water proof, best intakes out there, I wouldn't worry about getting the cone dirty.
AEM sells a blow-off or bypass valve that prevents water from getting into its' intakes. Can't wait to see what the REAL gains are. Most likely the end of April I bet.
goldwing2000 said:
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. I think I'll hold off on sending any money until they actually have some in stock. (boom06)
just for reference, the "they" is "us" :D (dexter and myself)
M3-GT said:

Not hardly.

Regardless of who "they" or "us" may be, I'm not going to send anybody any money for something they don't have and may or may not have in the near future! That's just silly.

So (fu) your (owned) :)
goldwing2000 said:
Not hardly.

Regardless of who "they" or "us" may be, I'm not going to send anybody any money for something they don't have and may or may not have in the near future! That's just silly.

So (fu) your (owned) :)


we are all (owned)
goldwing2000 said:
Not hardly.

Regardless of who "they" or "us" may be, I'm not going to send anybody any money for something they don't have and may or may not have in the near future! That's just silly.

So (fu) your (owned) :)
Mommy!...he gave me the bird!....Gee dude...relax and get some manners and a sens of humor. (screwy)
M3-GT said:
Mommy!...he gave me the bird!....Gee dude...relax and get some manners and a sens of humor. (screwy)

I'm relaxed. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have put the :) at the end. And if I didn't have a "sens" of humor, I wouldn't have used emoticons to reply to you.

Get a clue. (loser) :rolleyes:
goldwing2000 said:
I'm relaxed. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have put the :) at the end. And if I didn't have a "sens" of humor, I wouldn't have used emoticons to reply to you.

Get a clue. (loser) :rolleyes:
Ok whatever...geee...let's go back on topic here.
didn't think this would be such an issue :) let's play nice, people.

Goldwing, I can guarantee we WILL have these intakes. There is no question on that. When and how many is up in the air. Our warehouse expects them mid-April, but they have the part number in thier system now and will take orders now for future fufillment. We will ship them of course on a first come first serve basis.

The reply I got from Injen is that their own intake is in the final development stages and will be available shortly.
Captain KRM P5 said:
Our warehouse expects them mid-April, but they have the part number in thier system now and will take orders now for future fufillment. We will ship them of course on a first come first serve basis.

The reply I got from Injen is that their own intake is in the final development stages and will be available shortly.
So we are talking more mid-april than the 31st of march like it says on the site?
M3-GT said:
So we are talking more mid-april than the 31st of march like it says on the site?
Yes we are looking to push that date back pending what AEM tells me on monday when I call them. The technicians I spoke with made it sound ready to go and the sales department was less clear ("does that car have a V6?") on matters.