50th Anniversary Rolex 24 @ Daytona January 26-29, 2012

Just wanted to update you all about this event. We're looking to bring the Big Castrol Corral Package! Portable dyno, Castrol Edgd full synthetic oil and more. Stay tuned for more, coming soon.
I hope some of you guys from the Southern region can make it to Daytona. 3 reasons:

a) It'd be great to meet some of you
b) Those I know, it will be great to see you again
c) This corral package that we've all put together will blow your mind!
im getting a room for the weekend. gave up that camp out in the car stuff years ago. ive never been to a rolex cup event, im syked. cant wait
im getting a room for the weekend. gave up that camp out in the car stuff years ago. ive never been to a rolex cup event, im syked. cant wait

i may change my mind camping is soundig fun again

Wow... it took you 4 minutes to go from "I'm ever camping again that crap is for the birds" to "camping sounds like a blast!"??

I... I have no words (lol2)
I wish I remembered more of my camping endeavors at Daytona. Damn sleep.
Well, the Castrol Corral is a go! Looks like we're going to be including other manufacturers as well in order to really build upon what we do. We are also going to be teaming up with Grassroots Motorsports for the corral. Going to be big! Tell your friends! Definitely not something to miss.
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Want to do this SO BAD. We... may need to guilt Jen's folks into watching the boys for a few days.

2 questions:
1. Are there any options for those who want to do the 3- or 4-day thing? IE: Pay $XX more and get a 1 day pass for Friday, or whatever.
2. What if we don't drive our Mazda down there? Because... it looks like this? Will there be room in the collective paddock's heart for a Nissan or a VW (depending on which we bring... if we go...)?
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Andrew, this is open to all makes and models. We will have further updates for you by next week.
nice, will be purchasing ticket next week.

anything about camping? Lazy and didnt read threw the thread.

Ill be passing the word around to a few of my buddies down here.
i guess not. . . . do i need an "I'm with Marlon" shirt to benefit? lol