2335 horsepower

chuyler1 said:
However, when I see rich people throwing away their quote-unquote "earned" money I can't help but think of Gordon Gekko (Wall Street). The money comes from somewhere and if you have alot of it then in one way or another you are stepping on the little guy. This kid's dad is a Civil Engineer? Well, that means there is a good chance your tax money is padding his wallet as he designs new highway overpasses and public utilities. Of course he could work with private businesses...in which case the emloyees of the companies he designs for get the bad end of the stick when there's no money left over for raises. And what about the construction workers doing the hard labor making minimum wage and not getting any benefits?

umm not sure if you heard about it but its called "capitalism" and this country is based on it. what would you propose? we all make the same amount of money? we all live in the same houses? and all drive the same cars? you may call it "stepping on ppl" and other ppl im sure will agree but everyone is getting something out of it. tax payers are getting roads, employees are getting a pay check, and the owner of the company gets a sweet bunch of cars:) annd its not like he is the only firm there. they have to put out bids and proposals, they wouldnt get the jobs if they charged way to much when another firm puts in a lower bid!!
ok ..look .. i wasnt attacking him for being rich . or for being a brat or what ever else you say .. and you gonna tell me that this nice man just works his ass off to have a lambo as a life achivement .. HES GOT ****** 3 OF THEM !! and 2 MATCHING VETTS!. ok so is this an achievement or a cry out short from saying HAHA IM RICH LOOK AT ME I GOT NOT 1 RED EXOTIC .. i got 5 of them ! .. i was just wanting to put a bug in his ass to say hey you just blew another 100 grand for nothing. trust me .. I am working 3 jobs to give my daughter everything in life she deserves! I came from nothing having nothing and I want everything But there is such a limit .. and yes if someone offered to give it to me . I would take it .. drive it .. Sell it and buy a nice home 3-4 br .. two car garage and a nice car .. but because I came from nothing and i have had a life most people would not wish on there own enemy and turned it into a life of prosperity and soon enough I will have all the Money I need to live comfortable and happy ... I am in no way jealous of that man nor do i envy him. I have driven a lambo, a supra, a skyline GTR .. a porsche, and even driven Grave Diggers Monster truck .. the only car that impresses me is the one I build myself, pay for and own so please stop playing the mortar here .. just givin this guy some s***
MP5Raycer said:
ok ..look .. i wasnt attacking him for being rich . or for being a brat or what ever else you say .. and you gonna tell me that this nice man just works his ass off to have a lambo as a life achivement .. HES GOT ****** 3 OF THEM !! and 2 MATCHING VETTS!. ok so is this an achievement or a cry out short from saying HAHA IM RICH LOOK AT ME I GOT NOT 1 RED EXOTIC .. i got 5 of them ! .. i was just wanting to put a bug in his ass to say hey you just blew another 100 grand for nothing. trust me .. I am working 3 jobs to give my daughter everything in life she deserves! I came from nothing having nothing and I want everything But there is such a limit .. and yes if someone offered to give it to me . I would take it .. drive it .. Sell it and buy a nice home 3-4 br .. two car garage and a nice car .. but because I came from nothing and i have had a life most people would not wish on there own enemy and turned it into a life of prosperity and soon enough I will have all the Money I need to live comfortable and happy ... I am in no way jealous of that man nor do i envy him. I have driven a lambo, a supra, a skyline GTR .. a porsche, and even driven Grave Diggers Monster truck .. the only car that impresses me is the one I build myself, pay for and own so please stop playing the mortar here .. just givin this guy some s***

dude if you even read the post you would find out that his dad has two lambo and 360, the kid has two vette and lambo and there friend has the other vette. and nobody here is gonna step on your dream, why step on someone else's. just quit bein mad at other ppl success and how they spend THERE money! they made the money they can spend it just like you will be able to spoil you daughter, putting other ppl down is not the going to help you get anywere in busness or in life
OMG YOU ******* SHORT BUS REJECT I AM NOT MAD AND OR JEALOUS YOU ******* MORON !!! READ WHAT THE **** I WROTE AND SAY THAT s*** AGAIN !! I posted that s*** just to stir his turd and pick on him . GAWD I ****** HATE NEWBIES
I just thought it was stupid for him to buy them all in hooker red...... (blah) (boom08)
MP5Raycer said:
OMG YOU ******* SHORT BUS REJECT I AM NOT MAD AND OR JEALOUS YOU ******* MORON !!! READ WHAT THE **** I WROTE AND SAY THAT s*** AGAIN !! I posted that s*** just to stir his turd and pick on him . GAWD I ****** HATE NEWBIES

this is sooo retarded just admit you wish you had his money and you envy the lifestyle he has:) you started the flaming and now you cant handle when someone "sturs your turd"!
I wish I had the money....But I wouldnt spend it on a Lambo, a bit over rated if you ask me. I'd rather spend the money on a Carrera GT (rockon)
fkmitsu said:
I wish I had the money....But I wouldnt spend it on a Lambo, a bit over rated if you ask me. I'd rather spend the money on a Carrera GT (rockon)

carrera gt is hot, theres a video floating around of a white one drifting, its pretty long but its def worth it
fkmitsu said:
I wish I had the money....But I wouldnt spend it on a Lambo, a bit over rated if you ask me. I'd rather spend the money on a Carrera GT (rockon)

Theres only 2 overrated exotics Veryon & Mac F1
fkmitsu said:
perfect examble of different opinions :)

Very true... I just dont see how Lambo's are overrated when more often than not they are getting overshadowed by Ferrari and Prosche, in terms of what exotics get discussed and seemed to be wanted more
I think the same of almost all, Porsche, Lambo, Ferrari...they're all status symbols & 95% of the people that own them know this & this is why they own them. You can tell who these people are when you're out driving & come upon one. I'm sorry but just because you have more money by no way makes you better than me.

FBI14 said:
Very true... I just dont see how Lambo's are overrated when more often than not they are getting overshadowed by Ferrari and Prosche, in terms of what exotics get discussed and seemed to be wanted more