2015 Mazda 3 headlight question


Mazda 3 iGT Hatchback Manual
New to the forums so let me introduce myself. My name is Peter, I am a sheet metal welder for a company in my home town. I just had the luxury of buying my first new car, the 15 Mazda 3 iGT. I just got it this last Monday and I've already put 400 miles on it and there been great. These last couple days Michigan has gotten some wet snow and while I was out I noticed I had some fog/condensation on the inside of both headlamps. It wasn't all over but rather in the most inner corner of the assembly. Once the assembly cooled down over night it was gone. Should I be worried about this? I've owned 3 used cars and never had this issue. Should I take it back to the dealer or will it correct itself over time?

Thanks for any input.
Welcome, Peter, to the forum.
Condensation in headlights in not normal for new vehicles.
You should talk to the dealer you bought it from.
It's certainly not normal for that to happen with a new car, but the dealership should take care of it and it should be covered under warranty.
I will head into the dealership tomorrow and see/share what they say. Until then, I found time to take and share pictures.

<a href="http://s901.photobucket.com/user/Peterh234/media/IMG_1945_zpscaf3e603.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i901.photobucket.com/albums/ac220/Peterh234/IMG_1945_zpscaf3e603.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_1945_zpscaf3e603.jpg"/></a>

<a href="http://s901.photobucket.com/user/Peterh234/media/IMG_1946_zps29d72197.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i901.photobucket.com/albums/ac220/Peterh234/IMG_1946_zps29d72197.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_1946_zps29d72197.jpg"/></a>

Sorry for the pictures being massive. I literally have no idea how to use photobucket.
On both sides? That's weird.

It's -20C (-4 for USA) where I live and I have never seen condensation in the any of the headlights.

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Went to the dealer and talked to the guy that sold me the car and he ten took me to service. Service rep said some condinsation/fog is normal and some is abnormal. I didn't believe a word he said until he pulled out a book from ford showing what's acceptable and what isn't. Mine is considered okay as much as it bugs me and they won't do anything until it falls under unacceptable. What is okay and what isn't? The pictures above are okay only because there are no droplets or streaks of puddled water or even water at the bottom because at that point it's a bad seal. He said our lights have a moister vent to let excessive water out? Can anyone confirm that?
Showed you a book from FORD?
Does he even know you have a Mazda?

I would email Mazda's customer service and log a complaint. That way if your bulbs blow they will have to pay.
(Email is slower, but may be the only way you can have it written)

But don't worry, it's not a major issue.
If really, nobody helps you out, then just remove the bulb and blow the inside of the headlights with a hair dryer.

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Lexus has the same issue with some of its vehicles. There is a vent hole to allow moisture to escape. They too, feel that as long as water doesn't accumulate and blow a bulb, all is good. We don't have any issues with our RX400h, but then again, we are in San Diego.
Yeah. All ford dealers in town double as Mazda. The service rep I talked to was a Mazda guy. He did reassure me that if it got any worse to bring it in and theyll fix it.
Also, the lights have not gotten as bad as the pictures above. Not sure whats going on, i tried driving with my lights on all day trying to get them to do it again.
My headlights have had fog in them also. The conditions have to be just right. It went away. If it does it anymore than it did (which was similar to the OP) I will take it to the dealer.
Same thing happened to the passenger side headlight on my 15' GS hatchback. A little bit of condensation formed not even 1 day after bringing it home from the dealership. I nearly shat when I saw it, but it disappeared and haven't seen it since. I do have my eyes open if it happens again. Cheers