1G Mazda 5/Premacy toy cars

The family finally outgrew our 2009 Mazda5. So we just moved up to an Odyssey. My 8 year old is devastated. He was crying as we left the dealer lot and even today, days later, posted a note on his bedroom door asking if we'll ever see the Mazda again. Anyone know where I might be able to buy a Matchbox or model car for him? I'm specifically looking for a first gen, preferably black. So far I'm only finding outrageously expensive ($130!!!) collector models on eBay. Any help finding an inexpensive model would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry to hear. ebay is probably your best bet. I suppose this is a good "problem," though. We may have a future Mazda driver! :D

Here are some better pics of it. Good luck with the little one.


